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May 20, 2022

Manager versus Leader Statements

Manager versus Leader Statements

The following statements are either correlated with what a Manager would say or what Leader would say.

  1. Accepts the Status Quo: If it ain’t broke don’t fix it
  2. Approves: You did your job well and on time.
  3. Assigns duties: I need you here at 8am sharp. Our customers depend on us being on time.
  4. Breaks rules: What are we doing that holds people back?
  5. Carves new road: If we keep going down the same road, we’ll only end up in the same place.
  6. Challenges the status quo: I know it isn’t broken, but is there a way to do it that’s even better?
  7. Charts new growth: Our goals are just a starting point. We are limited only by how far we want to reach.
  8. Does the right thing: I know what the rules say. But sometimes you just need to break them.
  9. Does things right: Rules are rules. As much as I would like to, I can’t make an exception
  10. Encourages people: If you think you’ve got a better way, my door is always open.
  11. Establishes rules: Stick to the script. We can’t have everyone just running around doing their own thing.
  12. Eyes the bottom line: We got everything done and came in under budget
  13. Eyes the horizon: We got everything done, came in under budget, and laid the groundwork for the next phase.
  14. Follows the map: Our directions are very clear. Stick to them.
  15. Fosters ideas: Customers tell me they love working with you. I’d like you to show some of the others how you do that.
  16. Has objectives: Let’s stick to the plans so these get done ASAP
  17. Has vision: I like your thinking. Let’s see how we can work this into our operation
  18. Inspires trust: My workers know I trust them to be the best they can be.
  19. Instructs employees: If you’re not sure of what your job entails, you can check the flowchart on my door
  20. Meets expectations: We met our goals for the quarter, mission accomplished
  21. Minimizes risks: Time is money. The sooner I get this done, the better
  22. Motivates: You know, I’ve never had to worry about you doing your job- and doing it well.
  23. Plans the details: I will send out a memo to everyone and set a time for us to meet
  24. Relies on control: My workers know the consequences if they get out of line.
  25. Sees a problem: Our plan didn’t work. I’ve got to fix it before I get blamed.
  26. Sees an opportunity: Our plan didn’t work. Let’s put our heads together to see what we can learn from this.
  27. Sells: I have this great idea, and I know it will work if I can get you to be part of it.
  28. Sets the direction: Let’s get everyone together. I’ve got some exciting news you’ll all want to hear.
  29. Takes risks: This might stretch us, but the payoff will make it worthwhile.
  30. Tells: This is what I want you to do, and here is how I want you to do it
  31. Thinks long-term: Let’s look beyond the cost today and explore what this investment can mean down the road.
  32. Thinks short-term: We can’t afford this kind of capital purchase right now
  33. Votes with their head: This idea makes the most sense. Let’s go with that.
  34. Votes with their heads: This idea is interesting and gutsy. How can we implement it?


  1. Create two (2) columns or a table in Microsoft Word document. Label the first column “Manager” and label the second column “Leader”.
  2. Write all the statements listed above, that you think a Manager would say in the first column.
  3. Then, write all the statements listed above, that you think a Leader would say in the second column.
  4. Your paper should be:
    • One (1) page
    • Typed according to APA style for margins, formatting, and spacing standards
    • Typed into a Microsoft Word document, save the file, and then upload the file
  5. Upload your file by clicking “Browse My Computer” for Attach File.

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