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June 6, 2023

Manipulating Human Cells’ Characteristics

Manipulating Human Cells’ Characteristics

Read: Discussion Background

The cell is the basic unit of every living organism on this planet. Human life is not possible without cells. Our DNA is housed within our cells, and it provides instructions for our characteristics.  For example,  how tall we will be and what eye color we will have. But what would happen if we changed our DNA? What would happen if we genetically altered our cells, or the cells of our unborn children?

There is expensive new technology available to those who have enough money to pay for it. It goes beyond the established IVF (in-vitro fertilization) procedures and allows people to have an unprecedented amount of control over the reproductive process. Some people refer to the resulting child as a “designer baby”.

Read the article: Children to Order: The Ethics of ‘Designer Babies’

Initial Post: Create a new thread and answer all three parts of the initial prompt below

  1. Discuss one reason why manipulating the characteristics of a human cell could be beneficial.  Guidance: It is important to use the video or transcript for your post (not Google or other sources); it has everything you need!  Be sure to include specifics on WHY human genetic manipulation could be beneficial.
  2. Explain whether you believe the manipulation of human cells is ethical or unethical.  Guidance: Be sure to state your opinion/position and to tell me WHY you have this opinion.
  3. If your friend was considering genetic modification to have a child and asked for your advice, what would you tell her?  Guidance: Be sure to state what advice you would give to your friend and provide your reasoning.

A crucial benefit of manipulating the characteristics of a human cell is the potential for medical advancements and treatments. By manipulating the genetic makeup of human cells, scientists and researchers have the opportunity to develop novel therapies for genetic disorders, inherited diseases, and various health conditions. This field of study is known as gene therapy. Through genetic manipulation, it becomes possible to correct or replace faulty genes responsible for diseases and disorders. For example, individuals suffering from genetic conditions like cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, or muscular dystrophy could potentially benefit from gene therapy that aims to correct the underlying genetic mutation causing the disorder. This approach has the potential to provide long-lasting or even permanent solutions to these conditions, improving the quality of life for affected individuals.

Genetic manipulation can also be utilized to enhance the efficacy of existing medical treatments. By altering specific genes or introducing new genes into human cells, it may be possible to make cells more receptive to medications or therapies. This could lead to more effective treatments for a range of illnesses, including cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and autoimmune disorders. In terms of the ethical aspect, the question of whether manipulating human cells is ethical or unethical is a complex and debated topic. Genetic manipulation is ethically justifiable if it is used for medical purposes aimed at alleviating suffering and improving health outcomes. I believe that the potential benefits of gene therapy and advancements in medical treatments outweigh the ethical concerns. Further, it poises the importance of informed consent, rigorous oversight, and regulations to ensure responsible and ethical use of genetic manipulation technologies.

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