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February 7, 2023

Medicaid and Medicare Evidence-Based 

Medicaid and Medicare Evidence-Based 

Choose one of the topics below and prepare a 500-word evidence-based summary including a minimum of three (3) APA formatted references.

  1. Evidence reviews of Medicare in the US.
  2. Evidence review Medicaid in the US.
  3. Evidence review of healthcare delivery models and impacts on population health.

Medicare is a national health insurance program in the United States that provides coverage to individuals who are 65 years or older, certain younger individuals with disabilities, and individuals with End-Stage Renal Disease. Over the years, the Medicare program has undergone several reforms, and there have been many evidence reviews of its efficacy and effectiveness.

One major issue that has been widely discussed in evidence reviews of Medicare is its financial sustainability. Medicare is funded by a combination of payroll taxes, premiums, and general revenues, and as the baby boomer generation continues to age, the demand for Medicare services is expected to increase significantly. This has led to concerns about the long-term financial sustainability of the program, and many evidence reviews have attempted to quantify the potential financial impact of different policy options.

Another area of focus in evidence reviews of Medicare has been the quality of care provided to beneficiaries. Many studies have found that Medicare patients often receive lower-quality care than those with private insurance, and there is growing concern that this trend will continue as the demand for Medicare services continues to grow. To address these concerns, policymakers have proposed a number of reforms aimed at improving the quality of care provided to Medicare beneficiaries, including increasing the use of incentives to encourage providers to deliver high-quality care, increasing the use of evidence-based clinical practices, and strengthening the role of primary care providers.

A third area of focus in evidence reviews of Medicare has been the role of private health insurance in the program. Many policymakers and stakeholders believe that private health insurance can help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Medicare, and there have been numerous proposals to increase the role of private health insurance in the program.

Evidence reviews have attempted to evaluate the potential impact of these proposals, including the potential impact on costs, quality of care, and access to care.

Finally, there has been increasing attention paid to the issue of equity in Medicare. Despite being a national health insurance program, Medicare beneficiaries in different regions of the country often have vastly different access to care, and many evidence reviews have attempted to identify the root causes of these disparities. Some have argued that these disparities are due to differences in the health care delivery system, while others have pointed to differences in demographics, health status, and income.

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