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March 2, 2023

Narrative Analysis: Freneau and Hawthorne 

Narrative Analysis: Freneau and Hawthorne 

Narrative that creatively portrays what Freneau, Jacobs, and Hawthorne would say to each other about the historical, cultural, and political events

Order instructions:

The Scenario: Imagine Philip Freneau, Harriet Jacobs, and Nathaniel Hawthorne have been transported magically to Plymouth Rock in 1692. What would they say to each other? About what would they agree? About what would they disagree?

Your Task: Your task for this assignment is two-fold: first, write a 300-500-word narrative that creatively portrays what Freneau, Jacobs, and Hawthorne would say to each other about the historical, cultural, and political events they find themselves surrounded by in 17th century New England. How would their observations of the era differ from each other? How might they be similar?

Then, write a 1,250-1,500-word paper that analyzes why these authors would interact in the way you describe in the narrative section.

Choose selections of each of the three author’s writings and interpret what their position might be on some aspect of the historical, cultural, and political events of the Puritan era in New England.

Explain how specific works by these authors might reveal their opinions of the historical, cultural, and political events of their day and how those opinions might translate into their opinions on Puritan New England. You must use at least two scholarly sources in your analysis, and you must quote from the primary texts. This second portion should present a thesis that indicates the controlling theme of your analysis based on the conversation you wrote.

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