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December 18, 2023

NGOs’ Role in Sustainable Development

NGOs’ Role in Sustainable Development

Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) have increased tremendously and their role changed over the years. NGOs play an irrefutable role in attaining sustainable development. Sustainable development is described as the ability for the present generation to meet their needs without compromising the futures’ capacity to meet theirs. The purpose of this paper is to discuss how the NGOs have risen over the years and the role they play in pushing for sustainable development.

The earliest NGOs were Anti-Slavery Society followed and the Red Cross Society. More NGOs were established after the two world wars.  NGOs focused on determining the causes of poverty to address them and uphold a sustainable life especially for the needy (Hart, Sharma, & Halme, 2016). Their support for locals and minimal cases of corruption have remained the driving force which affords them greater prominence. NGOs campaign for unanimity in transforming politics and governance to embrace the creation of wealth without destroying the environment. Over the years, NGOs have increased drastically in number to influence global politics which attracts private and public grants. Such influence allows these organizations to participate in policy-making on a global scale.

The NGOs play a great role in sustainable development through social development, sustainable consumption, and community development as discussed below.

Sustainable Development

Global business dynamics have prompted the NGOs to shift their focus on the impacts of business activities on the environment. With the pressures from the NGOs, large corporations have been forced to consider the consequences for their activities on environmental and social affairs (Jones, Harvey& Godfrey-Wood, 2016). For instance, waste disposal should be regulated and done carefully not to pollute the environment. As a result, the environment is kept clean and free from harmful waste from the factories. Further, NGOs focus on long term goals which help in maintaining institutional independence.

Community Development

The volunteers of NGOs interact with the target population effectively and influence them to work in unity to achieve long term goals. NGOs also push for community development by reaching out to the remote and poor communities and mobilization of resources. Accordingly, they empower such people and lead them into transforming the locally available resources into useful sources of income (Roy, Al Raquib & Sarker, 2017). Additionally, they empower the local organizations and establish more projects at lower costs than the government agencies to promote development. While NGOs focus to reduce human suffering and develop poor countries, they support people and households in general. Such goals are achieved through advocacy, counseling, and creating awareness of the communities. Through their services, communities are alerted of the available opportunities for utilization and as a result, create jobs for the locals. NGOs motivate people to participate in resourceful activities while they act as the links between the schemes and communities (Roy, Al Raquib & Sarker, 2017). Consequently, more people become self-reliant and hence raise their living standards.

Sustainable Consumption

NGOs advocate for renewable sources of energy such as green energy, unlike other organizations that encourage the use of coal. Green energy such as biogas, wind and solar energy are sustainable and environmental-friendly. These organizations discourage the use of charcoal and firewood which saves the trees by engaging the government and stakeholders (Roy, Al Raquib & Sarker, 2017). This ensures that the economy develops without destroying the environment.

Generally, the role of NGOs in pushing for sustainable development is paramount. Their role includes encouraging sustainable consumption, development, and community development. While other organizations and government agencies encourage development, the long term consequences tend to be ignored. However, the NGOs consider both the present and future consequences of their actions.

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