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April 7, 2023

Normative Leadership Time-driven Model

Normative Leadership Time-driven Model


Using the normative leadership time driven model, analyze the following situation:

You are Executive Director of the a local theater. You are responsible for the both artistic and financial direction of the organization. While you know both areas are really important, you spend more time and energy on providing the highest level of artistic quality in the theater’s productions.

You have 4 direct reports, production manager, marketing manager, development manager and administrative manager. They are all talented and well respected managers in their own areas of expertise. Last week you received a report from an independent consulting firm hired to access the theater’s financial health. The report indicated the theater was in poor shape with expenses this year most likely exceeding revenues. The theater would be in the red for the first time in its history. If changes are not made, the theater may not be able to survive long term.

How do you share this information and what do you do?

Go through the time driven model and identify high or low for each of the seven areas based on the situation above. See attached)

  1. How do you make the decision?
  2. Explain why you picked high and low for each area and whether you agree with the decision style?
  3. Which other decision style might work and what would need to be done differently for this style? 500 word minimum.
  4. How can negotiating be win-win? Should it be? Explain. 500 words minimum
  5. Give an example of a negotiation you participated in and how the negotiation could have been better by using the steps in your text. 500 words minimum.
  6. Power, Influence, and Politics  Complete self assessment 4-3 on page 136-139 of your textbook. This is part of the leadership development plan for week 6.
  • What is your preferred leadership style?
  • What does this mean? Do you agree?
  1. What type of influencing tactic are you the strongest at, weakest at, would like to improve the most on? (7 points)    What type of power do you use the most often?  How well do you “play politics” (as defined in your text)? See your text for examples of influencing and power tactics.

In this unit, you are expected to:

  • Read Chapters 4 and 5 in textbook (Leadership Theory, Application, & Skill Development . Sixth Edition, by Robert Lussier and Christopher Achua ISBN 978-1-285-86635-2.)
  • Watch Situational Leadership Lecture (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fp-j_HSdFYQ&feature=youtu.be)
  • Watch Sources of Power (5:02)(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuSxOCGT0vw) and Negotiation (4:45)(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FeM6kp9Q80) YouTube videos. As you watch think about: Which power source appeals to you the most? Have you been a part of effective negotiations? What worked?

REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: (Leadership Theory, Application, & Skill Development . Sixth Edition, by Robert Lussier and Christopher Achua ISBN 978-1-285-86635-2.)

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