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March 2, 2023

Nutrition Intervention for Hyperlipidemia

Nutrition Intervention for Hyperlipidemia

Florence, 58 years old, has been healthy all of her adult life until recently. Two months ago she had her gallbladder removed for an acute gallstone attack; this was her first surgery. She was told this week, by her physician, that she has high cholesterol and needs to pursue dietary treatment for six weeks. At the end of six weeks, her cholesterol will be re-tested and her physician will make a decision regarding the possible addition of lipid-lowering medications. Florence is very disappointed by this second health concern in such a short amount of time. She is 30 pounds lighter than she was last year, when her cholesterol was normal. Both of her parents passed away from vascular diseases. For exercise, Florence attends Curves® three times a week (resistance training) and she is starting to do cardio exercise (walking). Currently Florence is 5’8.25” and weighs 203#. Her waist circumference is 38.5”. Her most recent labs were: total cholesterol = 252 mg/dL, LDL cholesterol = 166 mg/dL, HDL cholesterol = 40 mg/dL, triglycerides = 133 mg/dL. She expresses the need to get better as she is the primary caregiver for an adult son with schizophrenia and her husband, who is ill with complications from diabetes. Her food recall shows a limited intake of fruits and vegetables, approximately 15 grams of fiber daily, limited dairy intake, and frequent consumption of foods high in saturated fat.


  1. What is Florence’s BMI?
  2. What risk factors for coronary heart disease (CHD) are present in this case?
  3. List dietary recommendations to assist her with lowering her cholesterol levels and reducing her risk for CHD.

Worksheet 17-2: Heart-Healthy Nutritional Requirements

Directions: Using the information from Chapter 16 and Chapter 17 complete this worksheet.

  1. Calculate the estimated calorie requirements for a 58-year-old female who is 5’8”, 160# and is moderately active, using the Mifflin-St. Jeor Energy Estimation Formula.
  1. Calculate the maximum amounts of saturated fat, monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat (in grams) that this person should consume.
  2. Calculate the amount of total fat (in grams) that this person would require.
  1. Calculate the amount of carbohydrates (in grams) that this person would require.
  1. Calculate the amount of protein (in grams) this person would require.
  1. How many calories per day should this person consume to promote weight loss of one pound per week?
  1. Taking into account the expenditure of 200 calories per day in physical activity, how many calories should this person consume daily to promote weight loss of two pounds per week?
  2. Do you recommend the calorie level estimated in #7? Why or why not?

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