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August 31, 2022

Pain Care Plan for Nursing

Pain Care Plan for Nursing


Mr. Gordon, a 52 year-old client who was admitted to the hospital following an MVC (motor vehicle crash). He suffered rib fractures and has a laceration along his right thigh. Mr. Gordon states that his pain is 9 on a 0 – 10 scale (0 being no pain, 10 being the worst). In addition his vital signs are: BP 150/88, HR 105, RR 22, SpO2 95% on RA (room air), T 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit taken orally.

Long term and Short term goals?

Care Plan Assignment


Develop a care plan for ACUTE PAIN that includes the following:

  • Problem identification
  • Short term goal
  • Long term goal
  • 5 interventions/action with a rational for each intervention. State if the intervention is independent, interdependent or dependent. Make sure to have at least one of each for this assignment
  • Also discuss how you would evaluate the short term goal, long term goal, and interventions

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