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September 30, 2022

Patient’s Refusal of Treatment

Patient’s Refusal of Treatment

You have been referred the case of Carla Washburn, a 74-year-old woman, whose sister has called your agency on her behalf. Widowed twenty years ago, Ms. Washburn recently lost her 25-year-old grandson, whom she raised from childhood. Recently, she fell off a ladder at home and has been in great pain ever since. She refuses to see a doctor. As you delve into the case, you will see many levels to this problem. Can you help her?Visit  http://routledgesw.com/washburn/home to review the information on the case and respond to the questions in the post. Be sure to read the posts of other students and respond to at least 2 other students. Your responses must reflect critical thinking and engagement in the content. Ask thoughtful questions and leave comments about your agreement or different viewpoint. Write a few sentences to answer each question.

Discussion Post 2 (Engage)

After reading the client’s history, concerns, and goals you should have several thoughts about the complexities of this case. Answer these questions.

  1. What reasons might the client have to not want services?
  2. What specific skills or techniques could you use to engage Ms. Washburn?
  3. Identify all those who could be a source of support for her? How could they support her?

Review the ecomap

  1. How would you interpret the flow of resources Ms. Washburn is connected to based on the map and the legend.

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