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February 1, 2023

Physical Security and Cybersecurity

 Physical Security and Cybersecurity

Write a short paper summarizing what Physical Security is and how it works. Be sure to also answer all the following:

What is the connection between Physical Security and Cybersecurity and why is it important?

What are the components of Physical Security and their roles?

What are/were some uses for Physical Security in your current or past work environments?

What is the connection between Physical Security and Cybersecurity, and why is it important?

In the current security landscape, few corporates are running without implementing physical security and cybersecurity systems. Nevertheless, with the advancement of IoT technology and more systems moving to the cloud, organizations require to regularly re-assess their security approaches. Although cybersecurity is often the main concern in security matters, these incidences are always connected to an oversight in the physical security strategies. Thus, a comprehensive tactic to cybersecurity and physical security would aid in addressing the developing threats of the current security landscape.

Traditionally, physical security practices like security personnel, access control and surveillance are regarded as separate functions, with little to no concern to how information and information technology systems are fundamentally connected with physical security. When systems and applications are progressively cloud-based or mobile, it is implausible to attain amenability for firm’s sensitive information and effectively identify safety without properly integrating the cyber and physical security approaches (Lee, 2020). The physical and cybersecurity convergence approach uses various procedures to limit accessibility of specific spaces and different cyberspace procedures to protect the IP system and restrict accessibility to private corporate information. Physical security secures cyberspace by restricting accessibility to the spaces, in which information is stored. Further, the physical security attributes linked to the cyberspace, like smartphones, video surveillance cameras, and RFID key card door locks, are often the typical targets for organization hackers. Thus, a robust cybersecurity approach protects private information retained within the physical systems. The convergence of physical and cyber security mainly handles the unified nature of such attributes and consider them as a single unit instead of as distinct corporate entities. Overall, proper implementation of physical security practices can enhance cybersecurity.

What are the components of Physical Security and their roles?

The three primary physical security components are access control, surveillance, and security testing. The access control can begin at the outer edge of the corporate security perimeter that must be first established. The company can apply either video surveillance or fencing to promptly monitor access to the facility and ensure that the outdoor regions are protected. Comprehensive access control strategies and systems can also encompass the utilization of advanced locks, biometric authentication, and access control cards. Under the second component, surveillance, the modern security systems can apply various sensors, encompassing motion, smoke, and detectors, to predict against accidents and third-party intrusion (Waleed et al., 2017). Also, the corporate security approaches should consist of implementing notification systems and surveillance cameras. In the case of disaster, the company should act quickly and align to implemented procedures. Thus, it is necessary to test the disaster recovery approach on both human and technological levels. Conducting drills should assess the firm’s capability to react to emergencies resulting from external and internal threats and natural disasters.

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