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February 11, 2023

Planning Process in Uber’s Development

Planning Process in Uber’s Development

  1. Apply the five steps of the Planning Process to Uber’s development of it’s app-driven online cab service.
  2. Outline the Strategic, Tactical and Functional plans Uber has concerning its new self-driving car program. Show at least one plus and one minus within each of the plans.
  3. Plans rarely absolutely go to plan! It is impossible as variables in the environment keep changing and impact the company in different ways. What planning tools might Uber use to deal with some of the unexpected issues Uber has faced with its online cab business model.
  4. How might Uber use Management by Objectives to work with municipalities and provinces to create the infrastructure and legislation needed to achieve its self-driving car goals?

The five steps of the Planning Process applied to Uber’s development of its app-driven online cab service are as follows:

  1. Situation Analysis: This involves analyzing the current market, competition, and customer needs in order to determine the best course of action for the company.
  2. Setting Objectives: In this step, Uber would set specific, measurable, and achievable goals for its app-driven online cab service. For example, the objective might be to become the dominant player in the ride-hailing market.
  3. Developing Strategies: Once the objectives are set, Uber would develop a plan for achieving them. In this case, the strategy might involve leveraging technology to offer a seamless and convenient ride-hailing experience to customers.
  4. Implementing Tactics: This involves taking the strategies and turning them into specific actions. For example, Uber might invest in developing its app to make it easier to use, or it might partner with local taxi companies to expand its reach.
  5. Evaluating Results: Finally, Uber would measure the results of its actions to determine if they have been successful in achieving its objectives. If not, the company would adjust its plans accordingly.

With regards to the strategic, tactical, and functional plans concerning its new self-driving car program, Uber has the following plans in place:

Strategic Plan: Uber’s strategic plan for its self-driving car program is to become a leader in autonomous transportation and to offer a cheaper, safer, and more efficient alternative to traditional taxi services.

Plus: The strategic plan aligns with Uber’s mission of revolutionizing the transportation industry. Minus: The development of self-driving cars is a complex and expensive process, which could put a strain on Uber’s resources.

Tactical Plan: Uber’s tactical plan involves investing in research and development of autonomous vehicles, partnering with technology companies and universities to develop the technology, and testing the self-driving cars in pilot programs.

Plus: The tactical plan provides a step-by-step approach to achieving the strategic goal. Minus: The testing and development of self-driving cars is a long-term process, and there is no guarantee that the technology will be successful.

Functional Plan: Uber’s functional plan involves integrating the self-driving car technology into its ride-hailing app, training its drivers to use the technology, and working with regulators and municipalities to create the necessary infrastructure and legislation for autonomous vehicles.

Plus: The functional plan outlines the specific actions needed to bring the self-driving car program to market. Minus: The process of integrating the technology into the ride-hailing app and training drivers will be complex and time-consuming.

In order to deal with unexpected issues, Uber might use a range of planning tools, including:

  1. Risk Management: Uber can use risk management to identify and mitigate potential threats to its business model. For example, it might conduct a risk assessment of its self-driving car program to identify potential technical, regulatory, or financial risks.
  2. Scenario Planning: This involves creating different scenarios based on different assumptions and considering the impact of each scenario on the company. Uber could use scenario planning to anticipate and prepare for potential disruptions to its business model.
  3. Contingency Planning: This involves developing a backup plan in case things don’t go as planned. For example, Uber might have a contingency plan in place in case its self-driving car program encounters technical or regulatory hurdles.

With regards to Management by Objectives, Uber could use this approach to work with municipalities and provinces to create the infrastructure and legislation needed to achieve its self-driving car goals. The following steps

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