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January 25, 2023

Practicum Experience Case Presentation

Practicum Experience Case Presentation

In this assignment, you will present a case from your practicum experience. In this case study, you will discuss the diverse background of the client or client system (for example, age, ethnicity, gender, problems, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, race, class, strengths, and challenges) as well as social, economic, and environmental justice issues impacting the client or client system. Additionally, you will identify micro practice, mezzo practice, and macro practice skills used in working with the client or client system.

Client Demo which is basically number 1 answer but needs to be restructured.

Name: Moon Sunnyside (pseudonym)

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Socioeconomic status: The client shared that the highest educational level attained is some college. The client stated that he is currently unemployed.

Health status: Mr. Sunnyside stated that he is diagnosed with

Family size: Mr. Sunnyside stated that his family is comprised of 15 children, his wife, and himself.

General services the practicum site is providing to the client: The client reported for his scheduled intake at 1 pm. The client stated he has been using marijuana 1-2 times per week and alcohol 1-3 times in the last 30 days. The client is referred for substance abuse and mental health treatment by NYS parole. The client received a diagnosis of F12.10 and F10.10. The client stated that he suffers from PTSD. The client reviewed and completed the following handouts: Referral source releases, Medicaid/Private insurance releases, telephone, and mail releases, HRA releases, substance abuse self-reports, MMS, and communicable disease risk assessment. The client received a detailed orientation to the program, including a detailed explanation of his rights regarding confidentiality in accordance with HIPAA and OASAS guidelines, as well as agency rules, regulations, and expectations. The client was also informed of the policy for program contact, patient rights/confidentiality; self-help information, and mandated clients with respect to group rules. The client indicated he understood all that was explained to him before signing the consents and releases. Based on the self-reported information and the Locadtr 3.0, the client will attend non-intensive outpatient drug treatment. The client is scheduled for a health assessment on 1/17/2023. The client will meet with his primary counselor on 1/19/2023 for a comprehensive evaluation of part two. On that day client will receive a full schedule and will be admitted to treatment. The signed releases, program contract, and patients’ rights and confidentiality review are in the chart. This worker utilized motivational interviewing to assist the client in developing his initial treatment services. Life areas of addiction, legal, medical, and mental health will be addressed with the client. The client was informed that his progress will be reviewed throughout treatment to determine whether the progress was made or not made towards achieving treatment services goals.

Assignment Instructions

Discuss the assignment with your site supervisor and choose a client or client system for this assignment based on the supervisor’s recommendation. Assign a pseudonym for the client or client system to protect client confidentiality.

The assignment you submit is expected to meet the following requirements:

  1. Analyze the client or client system and assign a name (pseudonym) to the client or client system (do not use the legal name of clients), including the client’s background (age, ethnicity, gender, problems, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, race, and class) and strengths.
  2. Analyze the problems and issues faced by the client or client system, including relevant social, economic, and environmental justice issues.
  3. Apply micro, mezzo, and macro practice skills to generalist social work practice with the client or client system, including diversity and difference in practice.

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