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April 1, 2023

Project Conflict and Problem Solving 

Project Conflict and Problem Solving 

Part A: Project conflict is inevitable.

  1. Outline the seven (7) sources of conflict that can arise during a project.
  2. Discuss the five (5) approaches that people typically use to deal with conflict.
  3. Is conflict always bad?

Part B: Problem Solving

  1. Write a short summary about the “Nine-Step Approach to Problem Solving.”
  2. If you were the project manager for a virtual team, explain whether your approach would change if a problem arose between the virtual team members. If it would change, explain why and how it would change. If not, explain why not.

Part A

  1. Sources of conflict during a project 

Conflict in a project can occur for many reasons, such as differences in goals, values, or approaches to work. It is important to address conflict promptly and effectively to prevent it from disrupting the project’s progress. Here are seven potential sources of conflict that can arise during a project:

Goals and objectives: Different team members or stakeholders may have conflicting goals or objectives for the project, which can lead to disagreement or tension.

Resources: Limited resources, such as budget, time, or personnel, can lead to conflict as different parties compete for their use.

Communication: Communication, misunderstandings, or a lack of transparency can lead to conflict, as different parties may have different assumptions or expectations.

Decision-making: Differences in decision-making styles or a lack of consensus can lead to conflict, as different parties may have competing ideas for moving forward.

Personality: Different personalities or communication styles can lead to conflict as people may have different problem-solving or conflict-resolution approaches.

Power dynamics: Imbalances in power or authority can lead to conflict as different parties may have different levels of influence or decision-making power.

Cultural differences: Differences in values, beliefs, or norms can lead to conflict as different parties may have different perspectives or approaches to work. Wang & Wu (2020) deduces that It’s important to be aware of these potential sources of conflict and take steps to address them proactively to prevent them from disrupting the project’s progress.

  1. Approaches that people typically use to deal with conflict 

There are five common approaches that people use to deal with conflict:

Avoidance: This approach involves avoiding or ignoring the conflict in the hopes that it will go away on its own. Bond-Barnard et al., 20states that this approach may be used when the issue seems too difficult to deal with or when the parties involved need more time to be ready to address it.

Competition: This approach involves trying to win the conflict by advocating for one’s 18 own positions and trying to persuade or coerce the other party to agree. This approach may be effective in some situations, but it can also lead to further escalation of the conflict.

Accommodation: This approach involves sacrificing one’s needs or interests to resolve the conflict. This approach may be used when the other party is more powerful or when the issue is not worth fighting for.

Compromise: This approach involves finding a middle ground or a mutually acceptable solution that meets the needs of both parties to some extent. This approach can be effective in resolving conflicts, but it may also involve sacrifices or trade-offs that may not fully satisfy either party.

Collaboration: This approach involves working together to find a solution that meets the needs of all parties involved. This approach may take more time and effort, but it can lead to more sustainable and mutually beneficial solutions. It’s important to consider the situation and the needs of all parties involved when choosing an approach to deal with conflict. No single approach is always the best, and different approaches may be more effective in different situations.

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