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October 31, 2022

Qualities and Characteristics of Leaders

Qualities and Characteristics of Leaders

Leadership is one of the most observed and least understood phenomena on earth.
—Burns, 1978
Think of sports leadership and you may conjure this image so popular in films: The home team sits in the locker room during a break in play. The team members slump on the benches, eyes cast to the floor. The coach or manager appears and addresses them in a quiet voice that builds to a crescendo. The team members lift their faces, square their shoulders, and march out into the light to win the game. Although stereotypical, this is one legitimate example of sport leadership, but leadership and management are found in many other contexts and take many other forms, just as they do in any field. Sport leaders and managers are as likely to be found in a corporate office or media
outlet, for example, as they are on a field, stadium, or other sport venue. In fact, only by broadening the general examination of the theories and constructs of leadership and management can one fully grasp the wide variety of leadership and management opportunities
in sport. People tend to see leadership as a vague “I know it when I see it” idea rather than something that is defined and standardized. From the realms of politics, entertainment, and sport, to name only a few, those in positions of leadership and management often share similar qualities, characteristics, and skills. Which are more characteristic of leaders and which of managers? Which are shared by both, and when?
As an individual pursuing leadership and management opportunities in the field of sport, it is important to gain insights into their tangible and intangible aspects. This Discussion will provide you with an opportunity to explore the similarities, differences, and overlaps between these roles.


  • For this Discussion, consider how the UM sport professionals in the media describe the skills
    and attributes of leaders and managers, as well as insights gained in your other Learning

    Post an example of a leader and an example of a manager. Your selections do not need to be in
    the realm of sports; however, whichever you select, they should be in the same professional

  • Explain the qualities, characteristics, and skills that come to mind when you think of the leader.
  • Explain the qualities, characteristics, and skills that come to mind when you think of the manager.
  • In the process of selecting, was it more difficult to choose the leader example or the manager example?
  • Explain the reasoning behind the difficulty. In your opinion, what elevates a manager into a leader?

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