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January 16, 2024

RADaR Technique for Qualitative Data

RADaR Technique for Qualitative Data

The benefits of using the technique in research as outlined in the post are quite critical. I agree that techniques help in producing less biased data and fastens the finishing of research. A major concern you have discussed is the role of the RADaR technique in translating evidence-based qualitative data. RADaR technique is a great approach in handling large quantities of data to improve authenticity (Watkins, 2017).  In this regard, the technique is quite important for the researchers to consider in organizing data using Microsoft Word and Excel. The technique is beneficial for producing qualitative results in a short period (Watkins, 2017). It is also important that you have partially noted the limitation of the technique that it is a compromise of QDAS, although it simplifies the analysis process of qualitative data.

Further, I agree with the argument that Hypertension nephropathy is the major underlying condition for CKD patients in the dialysis program. While the disease is demanding analytical research to generate education programs to such patients, the RADar technique is a great approach to achieve effective results. The underlying conditions associated with hypertension such as irregular blood glucose levels prompt the need for the patients to have regular checks (Kitt et al. 2019). In this regard, self-screening becomes quite important so that the patients can monitor such conditions at home. The technology allows such self-screening through smartphones and Bluetooth-enabled telemonitoring (Kitt et al. 2019). Such techniques play the role of reducing morbidity and mortality rates among CKD patients because they can seek medical attention in advance once they realize uncalled behavior in their conditions through screening. Nonetheless, teaching this technique to the general population should only be done after a prior assessment and clinical validation.


Kitt, J., Fox, R., Tucker, K. L., & McManus, R. J. (2019). New approaches in hypertension management: a review of current and developing technologies and their potential impact on hypertension care. Current hypertension reports21(6), 44.

Watkins, D. C. (2017). Rapid and rigorous qualitative data analysis: The “RADaR” technique for applied research. International journal of qualitative methods16(1), 1609406917712131.

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