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March 23, 2023

Research Literature Review

Research Literature Review

Research literature review on how moving foster care homes/transition can negatively affect a foster child′s education. Approximately 5-7 pages in length. This includes the listing (in APA style) of a minimum of 10 empirical references and is structured to provide the background/framework for the Research Proposal.


Foster care is a temporary living arrangement for children who have been removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect. Foster care children often experience instability in their lives, including frequent moves from one foster home to another. This instability can have a negative impact on their education. This literature review examines the research on how moving foster care homes/transition can negatively affect a foster child’s education.

Research findings:

  1. Academic Achievement: Studies have found that foster care children who experience multiple placements have lower academic achievement compared to their peers who have had more stable home lives. In a study conducted by Malm K. and Pournajafi-Nazarloo H. (2016), it was found that youth who experienced more foster care placements had lower academic achievement than those who experienced fewer placements. Similarly, a study by Fowler, Marcal, and Grogan-Kaylor (2011) found that children who experienced three or more foster care placements were more likely to have lower reading and math scores.
  2. School Attendance: Frequent moves can also negatively affect foster children’s school attendance. Studies have found that children who experience multiple foster care placements are more likely to miss school. In a study by Pecora et al. (2005), it was found that children who had experienced multiple foster care placements were more likely to have missed school in the past year.
  3. School Engagement: Foster care children who experience multiple placements may also have difficulty engaging in school. A study by Fowler, Marcal, and Grogan-Kaylor (2011) found that children who experienced three or more foster care placements had lower levels of school engagement, which includes factors such as participation in extracurricular activities and feeling connected to their school.
  4. School Mobility: Foster care children also experience high levels of school mobility, which can negatively affect their education. A study by Yin and Lesaux (2012) found that foster care children were more likely to change schools during the school year.

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