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January 16, 2024

Response to Critical Incident Analysis

Response to Critical Incident Analysis

Thank you for your awesome post.  The analysis you have made regarding how situations and behaviors in the article using Critical Incident Analysis (CIA) is great. I agree  that obtaining data for the study at The Antonio Pedro University Hospital (HUAP) required high technology and costs. This is because HUAP has a large population and data analysis would involve technicalities. Alceste 4.9 software for data analysis was hence, a good choice since it involved interviews. The post is, therefore, important for the researchers who consider studying a large population using the interview method of data collection (Sampson & Johannessen, 2019). I also like the discussion of the various kinds of interview designs used in research. Based on the investigator’s level of experience. While each type of interview design has its benefits, they provide the investigator with a chance to assess the better option applicable to the complexity of the study. The researcher is also able to base his level of experience on the kind of population to be studied and the relevant type of interview design.

I agree that using Alecsta 4.9 software enables the investigator to determine the quality of the interview transcripts which paves the way for receiving more relevant information (Oswald, 2019). Further, this software reduces the probability of bias. I also commend your idea to change the PICOT formula to enhance the feasibility of the project. One major benefit of the qualitative approach you noted is its ability to allow for conducting interviews. This approach plays an important role to ensure the investigator receives first-hand information which is easier to analyze. In this regard, the authenticity of the results is greatly enhanced.  Therefore, the investigators should consider the benefits of using interview design when doing research.


Sampson, H., & Johannessen, I. A. (2019). Turning on the tap: the benefits of using ‘real-life’vignettes in qualitative research interviews. Qualitative Research, 1468794118816618.

Oswald, A. G. (2019). Improving outcomes with qualitative data analysis software: A reflective journey. Qualitative Social Work18(3), 436-442.

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