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April 4, 2022

Roles of Case Management

Roles of Case Management

Case managers work in a variety of settings related to criminal justice. Some may work directly for a criminal justice agency, while others may work for non-governmental agencies, providing services to criminal justice clients. Regardless of the setting or agency, case managers share some similar characteristics and follow similar guidelines.

Write a paper of 4–6 pages that explains the various roles of case management and the resources available to help case managers succeed. Make sure you cover the following:

How is the role different for correctional counselors, probation officers, and social workers?

Are some people more suited for certain areas than others?

What types of people become case managers?

What official resources are available?

What types of knowledge bases are required for case managers?

Consider the resources available for case managers. Explore at least 3 of the following resources, and discuss how case managers might utilize them for support:

Case Management Society of America

National Association of Social Workers

American Psychological Association

Various state correctional counseling associations

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