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December 19, 2023

RouteOne Apparel’s Core Competencies

RouteOne Apparel’s Core Competencies

RouteOne has various competencies that include:

  • The ability to seize and explore new opportunities: The company deals with fashionable designs which requires that various customers are supplied with different designs to match various occasions.
  • Wide Market Share: The company operates at intermediate development stage whereby it has refined the production techniques to attain customer satisfaction (Klepper, 146). The company hosts many sales and promotional events across the world where it has employees. This has widened the market clientele.
  • Expansion goal-orientation: the company aims to expand the operations in Maryland and open branches in other countries. Accordingly, RouteOne has added a retailer outside Maryland.

What are RouteOne Apparel good at, and how might a competitor to them position themselves?

The company is good at exploring markets to get the best and decent fashion designs that attract customers. The fans of the company’s Facebook and social media platform pages are updated with daily news which feeds them with the available stock information and the goals of the organization. In this regard, if a competitor was to challenge them, they would follow their updates to identify their weaknesses and advance in them. In deciding whether to join the company or its competitor, various questions would need to be addressed.

  • What are the strategies to address business dynamics by the company?
  • What are the company’s core competencies?
  • What is the company’s public brand image?
  • What are the benefits of working with the company?

On what basis would you make your decision?

Choosing to work with RouteOne Apparel or their competitor would prompt one to assess various things through addressing some questions. For instance, at what stage is the business; initial, exploratory, or embryonic stage? This question will inform a person the extent of market volume and potential uncertainties associated with the business. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the company against the competitor? This helps to assess the likelihood of the chosen company to beat the competitor in the market and hence a probability of wider market share.

Description of core competencies of Cocacola Company.

Cocacola is a beverage company which has maintained its competitive advantage over the years. Brand building is the company’s core competence. Evidently, Coca-Cola is known all over the world because of their dependable and respectable image built over the years. Their brand and logo are never mistaken, a fact that makes it a favorite choice for many individuals (Klepper, 170). Resources and capabilities are also core competencies. The company has branches in over 200 countries which acts as a medium for balancing resources (Klepper, 150). Such resources are used in the creation of more goods and services and hence widening profitability. Additionally, Coca-Cola has established trademarks, patent rights, and wide market knowledge. Accordingly, the company gains an insight of the market demands and strives to exploit such opportunities.

Coca-Cola’s capability is also enhanced by its core competency in distribution. The company has strong distribution network across the world which ensures that the products achieve a wide geographical coverage. This enables the company to acquire retailing rights due to pervasive presence and strong brands (Klepper, 168). With the strong brand name, the company charges relatively low prices on their products affordable by numerous individuals. This further wideness the profit-margins and earns the company economies of scale. Maintaining consistent variable costs is another core competency. The company uses its assets efficiently to generate earnings which ensures that profits increase as the losses are minimized.

Generally, it is important to explore the core competencies of a business to assess its potential. Competencies include brand names, economies of scale, and effective utilization of new opportunities. The paper has described the core competencies of the Coca-Cola company.

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