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June 6, 2022

S02 Introduction to Psychology II

S02 Introduction to Psychology II

Part A

Objective: List strategies for enhancing learning.

Bruce is furious when his midterm is returned with a C grade. He tells his sociology professor that he had read each of the assigned chapters three times, and if someone can do that and just be average, then there’s something wrong with the test! The professor is outraged by Bruce’s comments and the begin to have a heated conversation and both parties make degrading statements to each other

  1. Based on your understanding of critical thinking and memory, describe one (1) flaw in Bruce’s rea

 Part B

Objective: Distinguish between the varieties of conscious thought, such as subconscious thinking, nonconscious thinking, and implicit learning.

  1. Describe subconscious processes, nonconscious processes, and mindlessness.
  2. Provide one (1) personal example of a behavior for each process.

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