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Term paper

What is a term paper?

A term paper is a type of research paper that is typically assigned to students at the end of a semester or academic term. It’s a significant piece of academic writing that requires students to delve into a specific topic, conduct research, analyze information, and present their findings in a coherent and well-organized manner. Term papers are usually more in-depth and comprehensive than regular assignments, and they often carry a substantial portion of a student’s grade for the course.

Key features of a term paper 

Research: Students are expected to gather information from various sources such as books, academic journals, online articles, and other credible materials relevant to the chosen topic.

Thesis or Argument: Term papers usually focus on a specific thesis statement or central argument that the student aims to prove or discuss throughout the paper. This thesis guides the overall direction of the paper and provides a clear focus.

Structure: Term papers generally follow a standard structure, including an introduction, literature review, methodology (if applicable), main body paragraphs, analysis, discussion, and conclusion.

Critical Analysis: Students are expected to critically analyze the information they’ve gathered, assess different viewpoints, and present well-reasoned arguments to support their thesis.

Citations and References: Proper citation of sources is crucial in a term paper to give credit to the original authors and to provide evidence for the points being made. Common citation styles include APA, MLA, Chicago, and others, depending on the academic field.

Length: Term papers can vary in length, but they are generally longer than regular essays. The length might be specified by the instructor or the guidelines of the assignment.

Originality: While term papers are based on research, students are expected to demonstrate original thought and critical analysis. They should not simply summarize existing literature but contribute their own insights and interpretations.

Revision and Proofreading: Like any academic paper, term papers require careful revision and proofreading to ensure clarity, coherence, and correct grammar and spelling.

Term papers provide students with the opportunity to develop their research and writing skills, as well as their ability to analyze and synthesize information. They also encourage students to engage deeply with a subject and develop a deeper understanding of the topic they are studying.

Writing a Term Paper

Writing a term paper involves several key steps to ensure that you create a well-structured, well-researched, and coherent piece of academic work.  Below is a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

Select a Topic: Choose a topic that interests you and is relevant to the course or subject. Make sure the topic is specific enough to be manageable within the scope of your paper.

Conduct Research: Gather information from reputable sources such as academic books, scholarly journals, online databases, and credible websites. Take thorough notes and organize your research material.

Develop a Thesis Statement: Your thesis statement should be a clear and concise argument or position that your paper will focus on. It should be specific, debatable, and provide a roadmap for your paper.

Create an Outline: Organize your ideas and research into a structured outline. Divide your paper into sections such as introduction, literature review, methodology (if applicable), main body, analysis, conclusion, and references.

Write the Introduction: Introduce your topic, provide context, and present your thesis statement. Engage the reader and explain why your topic is important.

Write the Main Body: This is where you present your arguments, analysis, and evidence to support your thesis. Each paragraph should have a clear topic sentence, supporting evidence, and relevant citations.

Cite Your Sources: Properly cite all the sources you use in your paper using the appropriate citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.). This is crucial to avoid plagiarism and give credit to the original authors.

Craft a Strong Conclusion: Summarize your main points, restate your thesis, and discuss the implications of your findings. Don’t introduce new information in the conclusion.

Edit and Revise: Review your paper for clarity, coherence, grammar, spelling, and formatting errors. Consider the flow of your arguments and the overall organization. It’s often helpful to take a break before revising to approach the paper with fresh eyes.

Proofread: Carefully proofread your paper to catch any remaining typos, grammatical errors, or formatting inconsistencies.

Peer Review: Consider sharing your paper with a friend, classmate, or teacher for feedback. They can provide valuable insights and help you identify areas for improvement.

Finalize References: Ensure your reference list is accurate and follows the chosen citation style guidelines. Double-check that all sources mentioned in the paper are included in the references.

Formatting: Format your paper according to the guidelines provided by your instructor or institution. Pay attention to font, margins, line spacing, and any other specific requirements.

Title Page and Abstract (if required): If your term paper requires a title page and abstract, make sure to include these elements according to the appropriate formatting guidelines.

Submit Your Paper: Once you’re satisfied with the final version of your paper, submit it according to your instructor’s instructions or through the designated submission platform.

Remember that writing a term paper is a process that takes time and effort. Break down the tasks into manageable steps, and don’t hesitate to seek guidance from your instructor or academic resources if you have questions or need assistance.

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At the end of each semester, students are typically required to write a term paper as a significant academic assignment at the end of a course or semester. 

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Sample term paper

Nursing Education Field Experience


Nursing is a field which entails caring for the sick people in numerous ways and the education involves both theoretical and practical training. Clinical training is considered as an important part of professional nursing education which involves educating people about how to stay healthy and prevent sicknesses. This requires the nurses to remain updated with the present knowledge and skills in the nursing profession. The practical skills lie at the center of nurses’ professional practice since they are the core areas of the profession (Démeh & Rosengren, 2015). The mastery of clinical skills is, therefore, an important component of the course. There needs to be a curriculum of education that offers students the opportunity to develop their clinical skills especially the patient care skills. It is one of the ways used to increase the nursing students’ professional competence.

Studies worldwide have found gaps in translating the nursing theory taught in class into practice in the clinical area, which can lead to lower quality of care. There is a great need for both strong theoretical background and a strong hands-on clinical experience for a nurse’s role. However, this is not mainly the case in nursing training institutions. Nursing students are loaded with adequate theory, but they are not equipped to apply it in the clinical area. The stronger emphasis, therefore, needs to be placed not only on the discovery of new products, drugs, and diagnosis but also on how knowledge is put into use, that is, how we close the gap between evidence and action. The existing gap between theory and practice can well affect the competency of the students which involves patients’ safety. There are students and nurses who look upon the clinical part of nursing education as practical training in nursing procedures without connecting it to the theory learned in class. This issue, therefore, needs to be addressed properly and overcome to give out competent nursing professionals and guaranteed safety of patients. This paper features the gap between the theory and practice and some recommendations on how to bridge the gap.


A Shift in Demographics – it is clear that the population normally ages over the times which necessitates the nursing practices to be adjusted since they create a gap between theory and practice. For instance, it is no doubt that by 2030, about 25% of the U.S population will be over the age of 80 years and as people age, they have greater needs for more healthcare providers. This affects the nursing practice since they are required to acquire knowledge which will enable them to diagnose the illnesses affecting this population. Communication styles will also be changed to adjust with the older population because communication with the older adults is different from how the younger population is communicated to (Douglas et al, 2014). Thus, the nurses will be required to talk to them in a manner that they understand together with their families about healthcare plans and how to maintain healthy bodies at old age. This means that what the nurse had learned in their courses will require adjustments to practice it on this population. Again, in the past, the nursing profession comprised of middle-aged females with average levels of education, unlike today whereby the nurses comprise of young people with advanced education. More males have even joined the profession and new graduates are at will to opt for diverse academic fields such as informatics and health policy. The younger nurses are also able to shift their job line within a short duration which necessitates the organizations to offer better salaries.

Preventive Care – this entails the present means to maintain health care and future health care as well. Both the patients and the health insurance providers have an interest in engaging in the preventive measures to improve healthcare and acquire the means to do so. As for the nurses, their services will have an increased demand and an interaction with other healthcare stakeholders who include the therapists and nutritionists who work towards preventive measures. As these other stakeholders introduce other health practices health profession, the nurses are obligated with extra duties to align themselves to fit in them and still deliver the best services without complications.

Consumer Education – nowadays, the nurses face a tough time dealing with the already informed clients because of consumer education. Most of the patients face the nurses armed with a lot of information regarding the conditions and symptoms of the diseases they may have and the possible treatments they expect from the nurses.  The consumers may get the information from a wide range of resourced ranging from the television, friends, internet, and other unreliable resources.  This information can be helpful to the nurses in administering treatment. However, handling the informed consumers can be hectic as the nurse is expected to sort the irrelevant information into the valuable one.  Some patients prove to be so stubborn and may make the work of the nurse a bit difficult as the nurse tries to apply theory in practice and adjusting to the demands of the patient.

Faculty Shortages – according to the AACN, 2015, there has been a rising shortage of the nurses. In the nursing institutions, the practitioners are limited, and the demands are high which limits the learning capacity of the students hence making them lack sufficient skills relevant to the nursing practice. This contributes to the college budget restraints since even the applicants are not able to get deployed due to the shortage of the nursing faculty. The high demand for the nurses makes refrains them from mastering the theory and how to practice it due to the limited time left at their disposal. Having to fix time to study and practice the knowledge has become quite impossible and the nurse tutors also have less time to interact with the students and ensure they understand each content.  This is because the tutors have the duties to teach a large number of students within the specified timeline and at the same time practice the skills of the patients. Thus, most of the students are left without the relevant skills and must do research on their own which becomes more complicated. 

Variations in Retirement Ages of the Nurses- the impending nurse retirement also contributes to a decline in the nurse workforce. As various nurses opt to take early retirement, this reduces the workforce leaving an increased demand for their services. This is because the rate of replacement is still too little to fill such a gap. However, even if the nurses retire at extremely older ages, the demand for the nurse will still remain high given the increasing number of patients and the existence of various kinds of diseases day after day. As the shortage of nurses has great impacts on the health of the patients and the nation at large, the retirement age should be in alignment with the ability to replace more than twice the number of the retiring nurses so as to catch up with the demand. If this trend is not implemented, it may have adverse effects on the health of the nation in few years to come. This is to say that by the time a certain number of nurses nears the retirement age, there should be the already others serving with them and those that are waiting to join the industry. A nurse also advances their knowledge and skills with aging period and thus those who opt for early retirements end up going away with critical skills which would have been passed on to the other upcoming nurses. Thus, the gap of the knowledge continues to enlarge.


Inadequate Time for Clinical Education: There is a variety of clinical practices, which depend on the clinical environment to be accomplished. Planning for teaching and learning nursing competencies requires much effort for coordinating and integrating its educational objectives. The clinical environment is unpredictable, and its control is almost beyond the instructors’ capabilities and the students are not aware of the expected level of competence during that time. The clinical teaching time is limited, and the number of wards needed for the clinical training is also diverse, which will cause problems for its planning.  The period of the students’ clinical training and evaluation is limited so clinical instructors cannot identify accurately the students’ competencies and reach all the objectives of clinical evaluation. They also do not have evidence for evaluating the students.   Lecturers have less time of interacting with the students and thus accessing their skills, talents, and to nurture them becomes a challenge. The course duration for nursing students training is a short time that compresses the nursing syllabus putting pressure on the students as they try to cover a bulk of theory within the limited time. It also does not give enough time for clinical experience since the student is placed in a certain rotation for a short time and must acquire all the skills. This renders the students to a kind of study which entails only reading to pass the exams or rather the cramming method without mastering the skills to apply them in real life situations. 

Inadequate Clinical Supervision: Clinical instructors or allocated lecturers rarely show up at the clinical areas to demonstrate the procedures and answer the students’ questions. This makes some students relax on their work because they are not followed and end up not acquiring the skills that they were supposed to acquire at the end of the clinical placement. It also disadvantages that the students who want to learn since there is no one to demonstrate to them the right procedures. Senior professional nurses sometimes might not be able to guide student nurses as required since they are entrusted with patient care as their priority. Nursing teachers must oversee the clinical practice because they are the ones ultimately responsible for the students learning in the clinical practice. Clinical instructors also need to evaluate the students in a timely manner knowing what they expect from the students. If the lecturers are not keen on what their students are learning, they end up doing their own research which may not be accurate due to the lack of close supervision and guidelines. The students end up mastering the wrong content and carry along with it to the clinical practices which may impact the patients in a negative way since wrong treatments may cost the lives of people.  The disparity in the theory taught in class and the practice done in the clinical areas. Most of the areas of practice have nursing professionals who compromise the actual nursing procedures taught in class for shortcuts. Students in this area end up learning the wrong practices and carry them out during their practice.

Inadequate Resources: The training materials in most institutions, such as, the skills laboratories are not sufficient to cater for the practical needs of the students. Overpopulation of student nurses in the clinical areas also leads to competition for clinical opportunities. This can affect the students’ adequate clinical learning experience and involvement. Some students may be bright enough and willing to exploit their talents in healthcare provision hence the scarce resources in the nursing school limits their capability which leaves them unsatisfied with their quest to learn better. The diagnosis of diseases requires thorough skills to administer the relevant treatment hence this factor cuts down the effectiveness thereof (Glaser, 2017). The increasing demand for nurses and the increasing number of patients makes the delivery of services inadequate. This makes the American Hospital Association curtail the services of the nurses owing to the failure to fill the gaps for emergency rooms and critical care. 

Improper Treatment: Students encounter a challenge in the clinical learning environment with regards to interacting with instructors, patients, and department personnel. The way an instructor treats a student affects their exposure to the clinical learning environment. Instructors should be careful not to reprimand students in public especially in the patient’s presence because it may make the patient or relatives have trust issues with the care the student nurse provides. Some behaviors of the professional nurses are also oppressive to the student nurse. Some professional nurses intimidate students by showing them how little they know instead of teaching them and demonstrating skills to improve their knowledge and confidence. They forget that the student nurses are the future professionals. If a student is intimidated, especially in the presence of the patient, their self-esteem is lowered and this affects their psychology and even delivery of their services. If the worst happens, they can administer the wrong treatments to the patients due to stress caused to them and cost the lives of the patient unnecessarily. This calls for the instructors to understand that the students need to be appreciated and treated with care so that they master their skills and responsibilities as required. Being too authoritative by a nurse instructor just worsens the student learning experience.


My proposal is targeting a nursing female student at the Cabarrus College of Health Sciences so as to gather information from her about her experience in learning. I chose the student because she already has some nursing experience and is still furthering the education hence a relevant source of information.


Although the conservative wisdom is very critical in the nursing profession, the level of education matters a lot. Thus, the audience nurse has a diploma in hospital management, and is pursuing the associate degree in nursing and a baccalaureate nursing at the Cabarrus College of Health Sciences and is in her third module of the course. During the past modules, the student got a chance to handle various patients in the institutions whereby she felt less confident about her skills and the ability to handle a patient on her own. This led her into opting to further her nursing course to perfect the required skills and knowledge. The nursing education has great impacts on the patient outcomes.


A good nursing education has a significant impact on the knowledge and competence of the nurse clinician. If this proposal is implemented, nurses will be well prepared to meet the demands placed on them. They will acquire skills in critical thinking, leadership, case management and health promotion. They will be able to practice across a variety of inpatient and outpatient settings. Nurse executives, federal agencies, the military, leading nursing organizations, health care foundations, magnet hospitals and nurse advocacy groups will receive a well-prepared nurse to the practice setting (Howell et al, 2014). The current global nursing shortage is mainly due to a widespread and dangerous lack of professional and skilled nurses who are needed to care for individual patients and the population as a whole. Inadequate quantity of professional nurses in clinical settings has a negative impact on patient outcomes, including mortality and impairing the health and wellbeing of many of the world’s people. Implementing this proposal will produce nurses that are competent enough and can be confidently trusted with the people’s health countrywide. The student will be able to have set goals which she will be able to aim for. The proposal will help her to master the content to become effective when delivering their nursing services after the course.


The gap between theory and practice has raised an acute concern with negative impacts towards the stakeholders who include the nurses, students, and the patients. The students, especially, face difficulties in the theory which prolongs the problems when applying them in practice, thus, the need to bridge the gap. In order to close the gap, there is a need to reconsider the relationship between theory and practice which argues that the informal theory is supposed to be unique to each nurse encounter with the patient. This means that the nurse needs to be well conversant with the current trends in the nursing practice.  This requires that the clinical leaders implement the clinical guidelines which should be made available to all the nurses to help them know what they are expected to do. There is a need for clinical instructors and in the clinical areas to enhance the clinical learning of students to create a competent nursing practitioner. The clinical instructors will direct, manage, and evaluate student learning in the clinical setting. They will prepare clinical teacher assistants and preceptors for their teaching activities and approaches specific to the level of the learner and course outcomes. They will assist the students’ in the integration of theory and practice, specific to the course’s learning activities and level of the learner. They will evaluate the student’s development of clinical reasoning skills and will be available at all times to the students in the clinical setting. They will directly observe and guide students’ learning activities with clients and evaluate students in clinical areas. They will participate as members of the course team in the course’s development and evaluation activities with the lead faculty. They will provide feedback to the lead faculty regarding individual and group performance in the accomplishment of the course’s outcomes. They serve as a liaison between the clinical agency and the school of nursing hence students will effectively integrate their classwork with practical in the clinical areas (Callaghan & Ritchie, 2017).

There is a need for supervision and joint responsibility in the clinical settings to facilitate professional growth. Clinical supervision is a process of supporting and learning which enables students to develop their knowledge for their own practice and enhance client protection and safety of care in clinical situations. In the clinical supervision process, learners have a better communication and cooperation with each other. Their confidence and understanding will increase the amount of learning in practical skills are more than the routine practical training. The nursing faculty should, therefore, increase their involvement in students’ clinical practice to ensure adequate supervision of students, discipline, clinical instruction, and guidance as they keep with current changes in health care. Collaborating of nurse educators with the clinical environment to identify the trends in health care and factor their teaching to meet the needs of the clinical environment. The one thing you can expect in a career in healthcare is change and emerging trends, especially in healthcare technology. In order to do it successfully, you’ll need to understand what areas will require your attention as you gain expertise in your field. Certain issues will become more important than others. Medicare reimbursement, prescription drug costs, and trends in technology are some of the areas that nursing institutions need to focus on in equipping their students (Brownson et al, 2015). There is a need for laboratory skills, mandatory prior clinical placement. This will assist the students to develop nursing skills and confidence becoming more certain of their role. Sessions taught in the clinical skills laboratory before the first practice placement, which is identified as “basic nursing skills” such as taking vital signs and hygiene needs of patients are useful and help to integrate theory to practice during the first practice placement. This enables students to link theory to practice during their practice placements. Nursing students must be prepared adequately to carry out clinical skills competently and efficiently. Clinical skills laboratories are essential to help students develop the skills required for the nursing profession. It is essential that students are adequately prepared to carry out clinical skills during their first practice placement, and have the ability to link theory to practice. Educators and practitioners must display the knowledge and skills required to promote theory-practice integration, to enhance nursing education which will optimize standards of health care.

Nurse educators, clinical preceptors, and professional nurses should plan together processes and strategies used for student assessment so that staff responsible for student education and training is familiar with the evaluation process. This is vital for better student training and patient treatment results. Sharing of ideas, experiences, skills, and opinions enables a more competent solution to health problems. The gap between theory and practice is reduced by the sharing of expertise and increasing evidence-based practice. Academic clinical partnership improves competence among students and health of patients. Faculty and staff nurses bring specific expertise to the student learning process and should respectfully acknowledge these attributes. 

Nurse educators may have a higher academic title, but the professional nurse if more often up to date to recent evidence-based practice changes and clinical institutional policy changes. The staff and faculty need to construct the objectives and clinical outcomes together as a team. Collaboration between faculty and clinical staff nurses is the key to level the field and attaining similar results. The faculty should share weekly information with the nursing professionals (nursing staff). The student spends more time with the professional nurse which emphasizes the importance of the nurse being well informed of the clinical objectives and expectations. Review of the clinical placement should be ongoing to establish whether the clinical opportunities are still adequate for the number of student nurses placed in the facilities. 


These solutions are intended to provide the best healthcare services to the patients and the community at large. Keeping the nurses informed of the current affairs plays a great role to ensure that they align with the changing needs of the patient care. It is clear that the nurses who possess the necessary competencies tend to deliver the best patient outcomes. Also, the nurses who have proper communication skills are preferred by the patients to other nurses as they can explain their cases better to the nurse (DiCenso, Guyatt & Ciliska, 2014).  Developing the reasoning skills of the nursing students will help them to make critical decisions especially when handling emergency cases.  The nurses who have proficient theory skills tend to come up with the best treatment rationale and the healthcare plans. However, they tend to be poor in doing the practice. Similarly, those that are good in hands-on practice tend to be poor in terms of theory, hence both parties produce substandard patient outcomes. These solutions will help the target audience to learn how to balance the theory and practice to improve the outcomes. The solutions will enable them to realize the areas that they are weak in and adopt the ways of improving them. They will also make them realize their potential to maximize them. Considering that nursing is a practice discipline, the theory and practice go hand in hand and thus these solutions will help the students increase their mastery of the content learned in the classroom knowing that it will be needed in the practical situations. This will make them avoid the behavior of studying just for the examination purposes which is a dangerous vice in any learning process (Northouse, 2015).  The students will also be encouraged to do a thorough research when making critical decisions to improve their performance. They will also enable the students to appreciate the nursing profession since they are made to understand how to solve problems as they arise. This reduces the rates of the course dropouts owing to the challenges found in learning the nursing profession. The mastery of the nursing content will be helpful to the student as it will help them handle the situations without having many consultations and thus improve the outcomes which in turn leads to the job satisfaction. 


The nurses are obligated with the duty to handle the patient care and their lives which makes the nursing professional a critical course. Thus, the students should be taught by the professionals in the nursing field to a level whereby they are able to apply the theory learned in the classroom on the hands-on practice effectively (Brownson et al, 2017). The nursing educators should also make closer follow-ups of the students to find out if they are well equipped with the relevant information even before they go for clinical practical. This will enable them to be well prepared and determined to apply their skills in the real world situations. The nursing staff should embrace the students well and provide a conducive environment for them to learn by guiding them and appreciating their eagerness to learn. According to Barends (2017), it is quite impossible to deliver quality services to the patient by a nurse who just mastered the theory and is not able to apply them practically (Barends, 2017). Thus, a nurse should be able to translate the research findings into the practical information and work with it. This calls for the educators and staff to offer the relevant support to the students to enable them to maximize their skills and develop them. (Oliver et al, 2014).


Barends, E., Villanueva, J., Rousseau, D. M., Briner, R. B., Jepsen, D. M., Houghton, E., & ten 

Have, S. (2017). Managerial attitudes and perceived barriers regarding evidence-based practice: An international survey. PloS one12(10), e0184594.

Brownson, R. C., Baker, E. A., Deshpande, A. D., & Gillespie, K. N. (2017). Evidence-based 

public health. Oxford University Press.

Oliver, K., Innvar, S., Lorenc, T., Woodman, J., & Thomas, J. (2014). A systematic review of 

barriers to and facilitators of the use of evidence by policymakers. BMC health services research14(1), 2.


In order to implement the plan, I will use presentations and discussions of the article to transmit the evidence-based information to the nursing professionals. This will help to ensure that the relevant stakeholders are aware of the proposed changes.


The implementation process will be done within a duration of four months. The first month will involve creating awareness of the proposed changes and the purpose of the change. This is in order to prepare the concerned stakeholders psychologically. The second month will involve assessing the level of acceptance or resistance to the proposed change and the preparedness to embrace the changes. It will also involve convincing the resisting individuals of the benefits that will accompany the changes so that they agree with the change. The changes will start to be implemented within the third month while the fourth month will involve assessing whether the intended outcomes of the change have resulted.

Resources and Personnel

   To accomplish this, there will be a need for printing materials to make publications and other relevant printed information. The money will also be needed to fund the changes and pay the workforce who will be involved in various activities such as printing the materials and other activities. The needed personnel will include the administrators who will be required to hold discussions so as to build concrete decisions with them and make the necessary corrections regarding the proposed changes and ensure that the information reaches as many people as possible and within the scheduled duration. The fellow nursing students who support the proposal will also help to spread the information and effect its implementation.

Proposed Change Theory

The proposal aims to change and bridge the gap between theory and practice in the nursing profession.  The change will start with the nurse tutors and the nurse staff. For instance, the nurse tutors will be expected to apply the theory in the daily activities so that the students can follow their steps. This will avoid the behavior of the students whereby they only study for the sake of exams. The administrators will also supervise the staff to ensure that they embrace and practice the implemented changes. The printed information of the changes will be made available in all the health centers and learning institutions and also spread through the social media to ensure everyone concerned gets the information.

Barriers to Implementation 

Some possible challenges include the failure to support and embrace the idea by various stakeholders (Mackey & Bassendowski, 2017). Some may not realize the benefits the proposal may cause and thus ignoring it becomes a barrier. Others may feel lazy to embrace the change since they are used to the old fashion and this may cost a lot of time for them to accept the changes.  The culture of the health and learning institutions may also pose barriers to implementation especially if they collide with each other. If the changes are to affect the culture of the organizations, then it may not be easy to implement them.


Brownson, R. C., Tabak, R. G., Stamatakis, K. A., & Glanz, K. (2015). Implementation, 

dissemination, and diffusion of public health interventions. Health Behavior: Theory, Research, and Practice, 301-325. Press.

Callaghan, M., & Ritchie, L. (2017). Creating positive experiences for people living with 

dementia in care homes. Nursing Older People29(1), 36-39. Press.

Démeh, W., & Rosengren, K. (2015). The visualisation of clinical leadership in the content of 

nursing education—a qualitative study of nursing students’ experiences. Nurse education today35(7), 888-893. Press.

DiCenso, A., Guyatt, G., & Ciliska, D. (2014). Evidence-Based Nursing-E-Book: A Guide to 

Clinical Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences. Press.

Douglas, M. K., Rosenkoetter, M., Pacquiao, D. F., Callister, L. C., Hattar-Pollara, M., 

Lauderdale, J., … & Purnell, L. (2014). Guidelines for implementing culturally competent nursing care. Journal of Transcultural Nursing25(2), 109-121. Press.

Glaser, B. (2017). Discovery of grounded theory: Strategies for qualitative research. Routledge. 


Howell, D., Hack, T. F., Green, E., & Fitch, M. (2014). Cancer distress screening data: 

translating knowledge into clinical action for a quality response. Palliative & supportive 

care12(1), 39-51. Press.

Mackey, A., & Bassendowski, S. (2017). The History of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing 

Education and Practice. Journal of Professional Nursing33(1), 51-55.

Northouse, P. G. (2015). Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage publications. Press.

Stuart, G. W. (2014). Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Nursing-E-Book. Elsevier Health 

Sciences. Press.


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Sample thesis statement in a short essay. Example 1:

Balancing Personal Values with Ethical Obligations in Nursing Practice

Nursing is a profession rooted in compassion, empathy, and a commitment to the well-being of patients. However, this dedication can sometimes lead to a clash between personal values and ethical obligations. Nurses often find themselves navigating a delicate balance between their own beliefs and the principles that guide their profession. This essay explores the complex interplay between personal values and ethical obligations in nursing practice and examines strategies for achieving harmony between the two.

Thesis Statement: The integration of personal values with ethical obligations is an intricate challenge in nursing practice, demanding thoughtful reflection, cultural sensitivity, and a commitment to providing patient-centered care.

Nurses, like all individuals, hold a diverse range of personal values shaped by cultural, religious, and experiential factors. These values can influence decisions related to patient care, treatment approaches, and end-of-life choices. However, nursing ethics, often grounded in principles like autonomy, beneficence, and non-maleficence, require healthcare providers to prioritize the well-being and autonomy of patients above personal values. Striking a balance between these two forces can be challenging.

One strategy for navigating this balance is reflective practice. Nurses can engage in self-examination to identify their values and biases, allowing them to approach patient care with increased self-awareness. This reflection enables nurses to distinguish between personal preferences and ethical obligations, leading to more patient-centered decision-making.

Cultural competence is another key aspect of harmonizing personal values and ethical obligations. Recognizing the diversity of patients’ backgrounds and beliefs is essential for providing culturally sensitive care. By acknowledging and respecting the values of patients from different cultural contexts, nurses can ensure that their own beliefs do not impede the provision of effective and compassionate care.

In challenging situations where personal values strongly conflict with ethical obligations, seeking guidance from colleagues, supervisors, or ethics committees can be invaluable. These consultations provide opportunities for ethical deliberation and can help nurses arrive at decisions that prioritize patients’ well-being while respecting their own values.

In retrospect, the intricate dance between personal values and ethical obligations in nursing practice necessitates careful consideration and proactive strategies. While nurses bring their unique perspectives to patient care, they are bound by ethical principles that demand patient-centeredness and respect for autonomy. By engaging in reflective practice, embracing cultural competence, encouraging open communication, and seeking guidance when necessary, nurses can navigate this delicate balance, ultimately ensuring the highest quality of care for their patients.

Example 2:

The Impact of Social Media on Adolescent Mental Health

Thesis Statement: The pervasive use of social media among adolescents raises concerns about its impact on mental health, as evidenced by increasing rates of anxiety, depression, and cyberbullying, emphasizing the need for both further research and responsible social media usage education.

In this example, the topic is “The Impact of Social Media on Adolescent Mental Health,” and the thesis statement presents a clear argument about the potential negative effects of social media on mental health, along with supporting points and the call for research and education. This thesis statement follows the principles outlined in the guide for writing a thesis statement.

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