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September 1, 2022

Site-Specific Safety Program

Site-Specific Safety Program

Consider the following scenario: You are the safety manager for a team that is working to complete a 10-story addition to a hospital. The framework of the addition will be steel and concrete. The floors will be formed and poured with reinforced concrete on metal decking. The outside will require brick and glass window installation and installation of a standing seam metal roof. The interior will consist of metal stud framing with drywall and tile floors. The building will be centrally cooled and heated with a heating, ventilation, and air condition (HVAC) mechanical system, and it will need a new electrical supply source.

The electrical rooms will be located in the southeast corner of each floor near the stairwell. Plumbing and fire suppression systems must be installed. There will be a bank of elevators in the main entrance/northside center and a service elevator in the back/southside center. There is suspected asbestos in the flooring and piping where the new addition connects to the existing structure. A new entrance must be constructed off the side street/northside, with a driveway, sidewalks, drainage, lighting, and landscaping installed.

You must complete a site-specific safety program (SSSP) for the project.

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