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July 5, 2023

Social Role Transitions in Adulthood

Social Role Transitions in Adulthood

  • Describe two social role transitions and life events that occur in late adulthood.
  • Explain whether ego integrity is a predictor of successful adjustment in late adulthood.

Grandparenthood and retirement are two social role transitions and life events in late adulthood.

Grandparenthood is a standardizing aspect of the family life pattern and a welcome and gratifying role for many, with most not residing with their grandchildren (Hutchison, 2019). In some instances, older individuals assume full responsibility for raising their grandchildren, but many custodial grandparents and their grandchildren benefit or prosper from the situation and have positive outcomes (Hutchison, 2019).

Retirement is a socially accepted way of ending an active role in the workforce, but the transition is becoming more blurred than individuals usually think. Many retire for various reasons, such as advancing age, health issues, pursuing other interests, or relaxing and enjoying life (Hutchison, 2019). Hutchison (2019) also states, “For every person who indicated that retirement was terrible for their health, four retirees said it had improved their health” (p. 344). My mom was one where retirement was not good for her health. She retired from the US Post Office in February of 2016, had a stroke in July of the same year, and was diagnosed with dementia three years after that; she was a healthy, non-smoking, full-of-energy middle-aged woman, ready to enjoy life, and has not been the same since retiring.

“Ego integrity versus despair is the eighth and final stage of Erik Erikson’s stage theory of psychosocial development. This stage begins at approximately age 65 and ends at death. During this time, we contemplate our accomplishments and can develop integrity if we see ourselves leading a successful life; this stage takes place after age 65 and involves reflecting on one’s life and either moving into feeling satisfied and happy with one’s life or deep regret” (Mcleod, 2023, para. 1). In my mom’s situation she admits to living her life to the fullest with no regrets. Although she wishes to enjoy her retirement with her husband as planned, she is thankful and accepts that she had 20 years at the post office and could watch her kids and grandchildren grow up and accomplish their goals. Therefore, I am still determining whether ego integrity predicts successful adjustment; it does, according to my mom.


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