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August 3, 2023

Social Security and Yalta Conference

Social Security and Yalta Conference

Social Security and Yalta Conference have a significant representation in the government, especially in regard to wars. Social security is a government program that provides financial support to eligible individuals, while the Yalta Conference was a pivotal meeting held during World War II where the Allied leaders discussed the post-war reorganization of Europe. besides, these two terms, choose six more and write about them from the list given. For each of the eight terms write a comprehensive paragraph (no bullet points) with a minimum of six detailed sentences that provide the important information from the covered material about the term. This includes major ideas and/or developments surrounding the term, rough dates and periodization, historical context, as well as a conclusive statement that deals with the term’s larger historical significance.


  • Nativism
  • Social Security
  • Yalta Conference
  • Containment
  • Little Rock Nine
  • Great Society
  • Malcolm X
  • Stonewall Riots
  • Reaganomics
  • Great Recession

  1. Nativism: Nativism refers to a political and social ideology that prioritizes the interests and rights of native-born individuals or established residents of a country over those of immigrants or newcomers. It often involves a strong preference for preserving the culture, values, and traditions of the dominant or original population while advocating restrictions on immigration and favoring policies that promote the welfare of natives.
  2. Social Security: Social Security is a social insurance program implemented by many countries, including the United States. It aims to provide financial support and security to eligible individuals, typically retirees, disabled workers, and survivors of deceased beneficiaries. Contributions are made during an individual’s working years through payroll taxes, and these funds are then used to provide regular income or benefits during retirement or in certain other situations of need.
  3. Yalta Conference: The Yalta Conference was a crucial World War II meeting held in February 1945 between the leaders of the Allied powers – Winston Churchill (United Kingdom), Franklin D. Roosevelt (United States), and Joseph Stalin (Soviet Union). The conference took place in the Crimean city of Yalta. The main objectives were to discuss the post-war reorganization of Europe and the establishment of the United Nations. Significant decisions were made regarding the division of Germany and the arrangement of Eastern European borders, which ultimately shaped the geopolitical landscape during the Cold War.
  4. Containment: Containment was a strategic foreign policy approach adopted by the United States during the Cold War to prevent the spread of communism and the influence of the Soviet Union. The policy, introduced by diplomat George F. Kennan in the late 1940s, sought to contain Soviet expansionism and limit the spread of communist ideology to other countries. It involved various military, economic, and political measures, including the establishment of alliances like NATO, as well as supporting anti-communist governments and providing foreign aid to countries threatened by communist movements.
  5. Little Rock Nine: The Little Rock Nine was a group of African American students who played a significant role in the civil rights movement in the United States. In 1957, following the Supreme Court’s ruling

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