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July 18, 2023

Sponsorship Opportunities in Marketing Environment

Sponsorship Opportunities in Marketing Environment

According to the sponsorship chapter there are six categories for sponsorship opportunities in today’s marketing environment. For each of the six categories, identify an example of a sponsorship (provide both the sponsor and sponsee) within that category for your local or national market. Evaluate whether you believe the sponsorship is a good fit from a strategic point of view. Which of the five primary objectives do you believe to be the primary goal of the sponsorship? Based on your chosen objective do you believe the sponsorship will be successful for the sponsor? Support your assertions with evidence. Your write-up should be no more than 2 pages.

  1. Sport
  2. Entertainment, tours, and attractions
  3. Cause
  4. Arts
  5. Festival, fairs, and annual events
  6. Associations and membership organizations

      1. Sport

The Coca-Cola sponsorship of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) is a good example of the national market sponsorship. While the Coca-Cola is the sponsor, the IOC is the sponsees whereby Coca-Cola paid about $60 to be associated with the committee for four years. It is a good fit as it offers the company a chance to remain at the lead position over the Pepsi-Cola in the market competition. As the company sponsors the Olympics, they are able to promote their public image hence maintaining the large market share it owns.  Their major objective is the driving sales and it is successful because the company is able to sell their products in the events where the Olympics are taking place, as they promote their image.

      2. Entertainment, Tours, and Attractions

The sponsorship of Ameriquest Mortgage Company (sponsor) to the ‘Rolling Stones’ recent “A Bigger Band” concert tour (sponsee). The sponsorship was good for the sponsor as they had a good chance to come across live audience hence selling their products was easy with a possibility of acquiring many customers. The major goal was that to experience an encounter with potential customers face to face.

     3. Cause-related Marketing (CRM)

Cause-related marketing endeavors are normally local. An example is the BMW Ultimate Drive (sponsor) which sponsored Susan G. Komen (sponsee) for the Cure initiative. The sponsor’s objective was perceived as an opportunity to engage with the community and gain modest investment. The sponsorship valuable to the sponsor which made them avail 25 BMWs for the consumers to test drive and each drive earned them a $1 contribution to the cause. BMW targeted to donate $1 million for cancer research and education. They still sold more cares as their revenues from the many customers who got interested in the products. BMW also saw an increased sales volume after the event due to the publicity it made during the event.

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