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March 25, 2022

Steps in designing a Quantitative Clinical Study

Steps in designing Quantitative Clinical Study

Final Capstone

The steps will involve in designing a quantitative study, abstract, and the formal research paper with title page.

Instructions/Steps in designing a Quantitative Clinical


The Health Belief Model is a guide used to promote health and prevent disease occurrence. It gives results about individual beliefs and predictors of change in health behavior making it the most used model in understanding human behavior (Jones et al, 2015).

To conduct research analysis on the effects of a plant-based diet on heart disease prevention and treatment. This theory evaluates the impact of change behavior in a particular condition. The (HBM) Health Belief Model proposes that the beliefs of people regarding illness, action, perceived benefits, barriers, and lack of participation are cues to wellness.

Formulate the study question: plant-based diet approach to heart disease using the Health Belief Model

Establish the significance of the problem

Search for and critically appraise available evidence

Develop the theoretical/conceptual framework

Generate hypotheses when appropriate

Select the appropriate research design

Identify the population sampling plan

Determine the measures that will be used

Outline the data collection plan

Apply for human subjects approval

Implement the study

Prepare and analyze the data

Interpret the results

Disseminate findings-poster, manuscript

Incorporate the findings in EBP and evaluate outcomes

Formal Research Paper:

Title page


  1. Background & Significance
  2. Literature Review
  3. Supporting Evidence
  4. Purpose or Aims of the Study
  5. Theoretical Model or Framework

The model is provided, discuss it as it relates to this project

6. Methods/Design/Sampling

Quantitative method

  1. Interventions
  2. Expected Results/Outcomes
  3. Anticipated Conclusion
  4. Possible Limitations
  5. Potential Implications to Practice

12. References

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