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March 30, 2023

Systemic Issues in a Prison

Systemic Issues in a Prison


In this assignment, you will explore systemic issues in a prison.


First, identify three systemic issues you would like to explore further. Then, choose a prison you would like to explore further and address each of the following questions for each of the systemic issues you have chosen. Be sure to use evidence from the resources to support your answers to these questions.

  • How are these systemic issues handled in the prison you have chosen?
  • What changes have been made to lessen the effects of these issues?

Finally, consider your personal approach to the purpose of punishment.

  • What could be done to lessen or positively impact the identified systemic issues?

Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed:

  • Identify systemic issues.
  • Explain how systemic issues are handled in this prison.
  • Describe changes that could be made to lessen systemic issues.
  • Justify ways to lessen systemic issues.

There are several systemic issues in prisons in America, some of which include:

  1. Overcrowding: Many prisons in America are overcrowded, which leads to increased tension, violence, and poor living conditions for inmates. Overcrowding can also limit access to medical care, educational programs, and vocational training.
  2. Lack of resources: Prisons often lack the resources necessary to provide inmates with basic needs such as food, medical care, and mental health services. This can lead to poor physical and mental health outcomes for inmates.
  3. Racial disparities: There are significant racial disparities in the U.S. prison system, with Black and Latinx individuals being disproportionately represented. This is due to a range of factors, including systemic racism, poverty, and biased policing and sentencing practices.
  4. Inadequate rehabilitation programs: Many prisons lack effective rehabilitation programs that can help inmates prepare for life after incarceration. This can make it difficult for inmates to successfully reintegrate into society and increase their risk of recidivism.
  5. Violence and abuse: Inmates in American prisons are at risk of violence and abuse from other inmates as well as prison staff. This can lead to physical and psychological trauma and exacerbate existing mental health issues.
  6. Over-reliance on punishment: The American prison system is often focused on punishment rather than rehabilitation. This can result in lengthy prison sentences, harsh living conditions, and limited access to educational and vocational programs that can help inmates prepare for life after incarceration.
  7. Inadequate oversight: There is often inadequate oversight of the U.S. prison system, which can lead to abuses of power and violations of inmates’ rights. This is particularly true in for-profit prisons, which are incentivized to prioritize profits over the well-being of inmates.

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