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June 6, 2022

The Action Compass

The Action Compass

Week 1: 

Visit the following page: http://www.slideshare.net/garyma_sharma/popular-strategy-diagrams and read about the Grand Strategy Selection Matrix, or GSSM.

Note: The GSSM should not be confused with the Grand Strategy Matrix (GSM) (http://mba-lectures.com/management/strategic-management/1129/grand-strategy-matrix.html) which we will explore further in Week 2 of this Discussion (see below). (be sure that you take note of the differences in the X and Y axes of both tools). Then, apply the Grand Strategy Selection Matrix to the company you selected for your SLP, discussing the rationale for your choice of:

  1. Overcome weaknesses vs. maximize strengths; and
  2. Direction of resources (i.e., internally vs. externally focused).

Which quadrant does your chosen company fit within? What grand strategy (or strategies) would you choose? Why? Be specific.

Week 2: 

Now, apply the GSM to your organization. Is your choice of grand strategy different from the results from your use of the GSSM (in Week 1 above)? Discuss.

Week 1

Considering SPATHE Systems as the choice organization, several grand strategies are available for the company to assess the weaknesses and strengths. As a company providing solutions to complex cybersecurity and IT network infrastructure problems, the company should focus on overcoming weaknesses by directing internal resources (Laxmi, 2011). While stalling growth in the face of high competition is the greatest weakness, the company should overcome this by maximizing big data analytics development.

More companies need to research and analyze big data regarding market trends, correlations, and customer preferences for maximum output in light of globalization. As such, SPATHE systems should overcome competition through diversification, product, and market development. Such entails customizing products to suit client’s needs. SPATHE systems best fit in quadrant two due to its rapidly growing industry.  Product development poises as the appropriate grand strategy in overcoming weakness through maximization of the strengths that include global reach and customer loyalty (Laxmi, 2011).  Through this strategy, the company would invest in research and development while enhancing the existing products.


Laxmi, V.  (2011). Grand Strategy http://www.slideshare.net/garyma_sharma/popular-strategy-diagrams

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