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August 15, 2023

The Nature of Ageing

The Nature of Ageing

The selected poem is “the nature of ageing” Once you have read a variety of poems on your central subject/topic, chosen your six focus poems, and completed the requisite research as described, develop a thesis which addresses the subject/topic you chose to focus on and allows you to demonstrate the ways in which these poems address the topic.

Essay must be in MLA format, 12 point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and provide a works cited – this works cited will include the citation for all 20 poems initially read prior to focusing on the desired 6, and will also contain the research done to contextualize the discussion of the poems undertaken in the essay..


The Nature of Ageing

Aging is a lifelong process that every living thing ought to experience. Aging starts from the time a child is born all through until the time of their demise. Various changes occur in an individual based on their age ranging from the skin condition to personal behavior and intellectual capacities. Aging is an inescapable process of nature. This essay analyses the process of nature of aging as demonstrated in the six poems namely; “Fleur Adcock” by Mrs. Baldwin, Maya Angelou “On Aging,” Thomas Hardy “ I Look Into My Glass,” Henry Wadsworth “ Nature,” Lu Yu ” Written In A Carefree Mood,” and William Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 60”.

Aging comes with a variety of changes, especially concerning the memory of an individual. While a young person may have a sharp mind that understands and remembers things quickly, an older adult may find challenges in doing it. The ease in remembering stuff at a young age fades away with time as one age. For instance, in “Mrs. Baldwin” by Fleur Adcock, an old woman is unable to trace the way to the church lane, although she has lived in the same place for long. Ideally, when the woman was young, she must have been able to walk through many streets and tour many homes without getting lost, but at her old age now, she is prompted to seek directions to her very own place of residence.

The process of aging also prompts one into deep thoughts and opting to be alone. An older adult is likely to isolate from other people and choose to remain quiet and to think about their life. In “On Aging” poem by Maya Angelou, an old person cautions not to be disturbed when seen sitting quietly and reflecting their experiences. The poem highlights that aging causes one to act slowly and seem more tired than a younger person, which does not necessarily mean laziness. Additionally, aging is indicated by shrinking skin. According to “I Look Into My Glass” by Thomas Hardy, aging prompts one to feel lonely even when in the company of others. Older adults think empty-hearted and abandoned even when people remain close to them.

Additionally, aging is a process that comes naturally and does not give a chance for anyone to choose whether to age or not. Although aging may promise better things ahead, an individual is just pulled into the world of the unknown, just as a child is led to sleep, unwillingly by the mother.  Aging still initiates the changes of moods. It is likely that an older man will behave like a little boy, while a younger will act maturely.  Every stage of life comes with the changing nature of age. For instance, beauty advances with age, and eventually deteriorate.  However, the changes with age do not appear as a surprise to those initially familiar with the individual. In this regard, aging poses a natural process that is mutually expected and accepted by everyone.

Generally, aging is a lifelong process susceptible to every individual. Aging varies from one person to another, and its end is symbolized by the death of the individual. While some people die at a young age, others live for many years to experience the old age. The six poems have highlighted some changes associated with aging in both genders. Nonetheless, it is ironical that although people fear growing old, everyone yearns to live for many years.

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