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August 30, 2022

The Role of the DNP 

The Role of the DNP 

Part I:

Part I discussion this week focused on the DNP practice scholar.  The practice scholar is immersed in lifelong learning and knowledge sharing.  Please answer the following questions:

1.      How have you demonstrated your role as a clinical scholar in your current position?

2.      How do you anticipate integrating this role into your current or future career?

Part II: For Case Study Students

·       Please start stating your practice question in PICOT format.

PICOT question:

In overweight adult patients in a primary care clinic, what is the impact of implementing the American Heart Association Diet and Lifestyle recommendations, compared to standard care, on body weight in 8-10 weeks?

Please use the bullet points below as headings.

·       How is the COVID-19 pandemic affecting organizational operations and how did COVID-19 affect the development of your project? *** with covid, people are more sedentary, eating more…

·       In anticipating barriers and challenges, consider how you will overcome these challenges as related to your project question in the simulated case scenario. Please include citations and matching references to support your discussion. How will you address issues that could have potentially occurred, such as:

o   Not all participants (staff and/or patients) attended as planned and some staff were out sick.  How will you follow up with them? (EMAIL, CALL, or whatever you find pertinent)

o   There are float nurses and traveler nurses on the unit. How will this impact your project plan? If this does not apply to your project please discuss another impact that has affected your implementation plan? ** it doesn’t apply to my project so you can use: Potential barriers include participants forgetting to input their data to the tracking app and lack of reliable mobile access. These can be mitigated with training and support and weekly reminders to participants. access to healthy food or any other barrier that a patient will have to lose weight)

o   Internet speed, access to the Fitbit app, and bandwidth are causing problems with virtual meetings you have set up. What is your backup plan? **the clinic will provide a smartphone for a patient who don’t have it to use during the project duration. The fitbit app is free to download. Also I will educatient patients in the project on the use of it).

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