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June 13, 2023

Theories of Human Learning

Theories of Human Learning

Assignment 1  – use required readings no outside sources

Please answer the following questions:

  1. Reflect upon the various theories in Tracey and Morrow (2017) from chapters 4, 5, and 8.  Choose one theory from each chapter and discuss how each views the process of learning: meaning, how do the theories you chose describe how humans learn?
  2. What is meant by the phrase, “learning is socially constructed”?
  3. How does a child’s environment affect a child’s language development, behavior, and the knowledge a child brings to school?

Assignment 2 – use required readings no outside sources

In this paper you will analyze the role of research and discuss its implications for our understanding of language acquisition, human learning, and how research impacts the field of education. You will do this by looking back over the chapters you read in Tracey & Morrow (2017), Hoff (2014), and the videos from this module. Your paper will be in two parts and you should use headings:

Part I: Theories

  • Discuss two theories from your current readings making sure you clearly define the theory and the major theorists associated with them. (Use Tracey & Morrow, 2017 chapters 4, 5, and 8 for the two theories).
  • Discuss how the theories you chose are applicable to learners across the lifespan (note how they may apply to different life stages: infant, toddler, child, adolescent, adult), again, referencing Tracey & Morrow, course videos, course content guide (Cousineau, 2019) and Hoff where appropriate
  • Consider how you would apply your two theories to the field of education: how would they be used to help teachers deliver content to students? Use Tracey & Morrow for this as well.  They note Classroom Applications in each chapter.

Part II: Research

  • How have the theories you chose in Part I been used in research? See Tracey & Morrow.  They have “Research Applications” at the end of each chapter. You must cite specific studies (researcher names, year of research, and findings) that Tracey & Morrow present for the theories.
  • How is research used to support theories? This is your understanding – how does research help us to know if theories hold true?
  • How will you employ your knowledge of research when writing or speaking about human learning? Meaning, how does research inform our practices?

Please use the following headings for assignment 3

Part I

Theory Name (ex. Sociocultural Theory)

  • In this section define the theory and discuss the learners to which it applies
  • Discuss classroom applications

Theory Name (ex. Critical Literacy Theory)

  • In this section define the theory and discuss the learners to which it applies
  • Discuss classroom applications

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