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March 25, 2022

Theories of Social and Cognitive Development

Theories of Social and Cognitive Development

This assignment requires you to adopt a critical theoretical approach to the analysis of a developmental case study using your knowledge of lifespan developmental and core psychological theories in the form of a developmental case report

Study the textbook in depth, participate in and study the lectures, and engage with the tutorial tasks.
Read the case study in the report template provided. Conduct library database searches to locate a minimum of four (4) peer-reviewed journal articles and cite them in your report. Do not cite the textbook, dictionaries, encyclopedia, or Wikipedia.

You will be provided with a template in LearnLine

The report must be presented as a manuscript in APA 7 style. This is the standard professional presentation format for psychologists worldwide.

Include a reference list in APA 7 style. If using a reference management program (e.g., Zotero, Mendeley, EndNote), be sure that it produces APA 7- style references. Often, you need to edit the reference entry in the actual program.

You will be provided with a rubric in LearnLine.

  1. Identify theories of social and cognitive development and how they relate to your understanding of Mei-Ling’s current point of development.
  2. Identify and discuss how theories of social, cognitive, and language development can be used to understand Mei-Ling’s behaviour at Day Care.
  3. Identify and discuss how theories of social and cognitive development can be used to identify how Mei-Ling\’s can be supported for managing optimal developmental progression going forward.
  4. Discuss how social context factors may be helping or hindering Mei-Ling’s progress.

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