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February 2, 2024

Transformational and Charismatic Leader Behaviors


What do you think are the key elements of transformational and charismatic leader behaviors that cause these outcomes?

Transformational leadership describes the leaders’ behaviors that heighten the thinking capacity of the followers. The approach enables followers to develop high morality and motivation levels. Some key elements of transformational and charismatic leader behaviors are associated with such outcomes. These include idealized influence. Some leaders pose as role models to their followers owing to their high ethical conduct (Antonakis, 2012). In this regard, they get admired, trusted, and respected by their followers who find pleasure in enumerating their behaviors.

Further, these leaders exhibit an inspirational motivation to the followers. On this note, their ability to motivate followers to achieve higher than the expectations contribute to such a scenario.  As such, they raise their consciousness regarding the organizational mission and encourage their commitment towards achieving higher goals (Antonakis, 2012). Another element concerns intellectual stimulation, whereby the leaders stimulate the followers’ efforts to become innovative and creative (Antonakis, 2012). Accordingly, the leaders initiate the followers to embrace challenges and solve problems on their own and hence developing their intellectual capacity.

Is it the positive emotions they elicit or the group-identities they activate?

In expressing their transformational and charismatic leadership traits, the leaders prompt to elicit positive emotions.  The term charisma describes a person with the gift of divine grace and hence a positive force to mobilize effective performance (Antonakis, 2012). The leaders have an inward provocation to develop a new vision and institutionalize them to achieve higher than the organizational suppositions. Resultantly, they trigger positive emotions by articulating an appealing concept. Also, the leaders are optimistic about the followers’ ability to achieve higher goals.

Or perhaps it is the way that transformational and charismatic leaders communicate, both verbally and non-verbally?

Importantly to note, communication effectiveness is the most critical aspect of transformative leaders in their quest to lure the followers into embracing their new visions. While employees may have ample understanding of the organizational expectations, for a transformational leader to incorporate their ideas effectively, their communication traits should be eloquent, convincing, and present a clear description of goals (Antonakis, 2012).


Antonakis, J. (2012). Transformational and charismatic leadership. The nature of leadership, 256-288



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