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April 19, 2023

Treating Trauma-related Syndromes

Treating Trauma-related Syndromes


There are many approaches to treating trauma-related syndromes. Many treatment programs for PTSD emphasize the use of group therapy. There are many different types of therapy groups that are available, including support groups, skills-based groups, trauma-focused groups, and dual diagnosis (PTSD and substance abuse) groups.


In this activity, you will conduct an independent search for information on types of therapy groups for treating trauma. You will identify two scholarly articles on group therapy as well as two web sites that have useful information on groups for trauma. In this activity, pretend that a friend, family member, or colleague has just disclosed to you that she experiences some criteria from DSM 5 one year after losing both parents during COVID and losing her spouse in a car accident ( while she was the passenger in the same accident). Write an informal two- to three-page letter to this person summarizing a few of the resources that are available for her. In your letter, be sure to acknowledge how difficult it can be to disclose such personal information. Also include basic information on the  types of groups mentioned above.

Dear Jane,

Firstly, I want to express how much courage it takes to share such personal information. Losing both parents during COVID and your spouse in a car accident must have been a difficult and traumatic experience, and I am here to support you in any way I can.

I understand that you are looking for resources on types of therapy groups that can help you cope with your trauma-related symptoms. After conducting some research, I have identified two scholarly articles and two web sites that provide useful information on groups for trauma.

One of the scholarly articles I found is titled “Group Therapy for PTSD: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis” by Stevelink, Jones, Hull, and Pernet. This article explores the effectiveness of group therapy for PTSD and found that group therapy can be just as effective as individual therapy for reducing PTSD symptoms. The article also discusses the different types of group therapy, such as trauma-focused groups and skills-based groups, and how they can benefit individuals with PTSD.

The second scholarly article I found is titled “Effectiveness of Group Therapy for PTSD Among Military Veterans: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis” by Osterman and Westphal. This article specifically focuses on the effectiveness of group therapy for military veterans with PTSD. The authors found that group therapy can be a viable treatment option for veterans with PTSD and can lead to significant reductions in PTSD symptoms.

In addition to the scholarly articles, I also found two web sites that provide information on different types of therapy groups for trauma. The first website is the National Center for PTSD’s Group Therapy page (https://www.ptsd.va.gov/understand_tx/group_therapy.asp), which provides information on the different types of group therapy for PTSD, including trauma-focused groups, support groups, and skills-based groups. The website also offers resources for finding a group therapist.


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