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July 10, 2023

Typical Functions and Consequences of Behaviors

Typical Functions and Consequences of Behaviors

The Table 7-1 on page 174 explains the six typical functions and maintaining consequences of each behavior.  The two most common functions in a classroom setting are:

  1. to gain attention
  2. to escape from a task

Give a classroom example of these two functions and explain what the maintaining consequence may be.

Read the article “ABC Chart” that is in the module.


  •  How is the Antecedent- Behavior-Consequence Chart (ABC Chart) used in developing a functional behavior analysis?
  •  List and define the meaning of A-B-C.

Scenario:  Kalyn consistently demonstrates withdrawn behavior in several of her classes. This behavior results in nonparticipation in class activities, incomplete assignments, and assignments not being submitted for grading.  Using this scenario and your imagination, complete a brief ABC Chart Analysis that depicts your direct observations of Kalyn in the classroom.  In a separate statement, describe what function this behavior may be serving.  Provide support for your conclusions.  You may use the link here to locate a blank ABC form or design one of your own.


  •  List the two occasions when IDEA requires development of a behavior support plan, or behavior intervention plan, for a special education student.
  •  What is a behavior support plan?
  • Define Positive Behavior Support (PBS) and describe the 3-tiered prevention model for behavior.

Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), there are two occasions when the development of a behavior support plan, or behavior intervention plan (BIP), is required for a special education student:

  1. Manifestation Determination Review (MDR): When a special education student’s behavior leads to disciplinary action that exceeds ten cumulative days of suspension in a school year or a change in placement due to a disciplinary offense, a manifestation determination review must be conducted. As part of this review, a behavior support plan is developed or revised to address the behavior.
  2. Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA): When a special education student’s behavior impedes their learning or that of others, an FBA is conducted to identify the underlying factors contributing to the behavior. Based on the results of the FBA, a behavior support plan is developed to address the student’s behavior.

A behavior support plan (BSP), also known as a behavior intervention plan (BIP), is a documented plan that outlines strategies and interventions to support a student with challenging behavior. It is designed to promote positive behavior, reduce problem behavior, and provide support for the student’s social and ac

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