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January 29, 2024

Understanding Qualitative Research in Depth

Understanding Qualitative Research in Depth

I agree that qualitative research provides a firm basis for understanding one’s perception of facts and events. Qualitative research entails observation of a phenomenon to analyze data and hence focuses on reducing the existing challenges. Its philosophical foundation as realism differentiates it from quantitative analysis (Hall & Roussel, 2016).  Seemingly, this type of study is essential when investigating the factors leading to a particular occurrence.  It involves non-numerical data and evaluates social life by analyzing data concerning a defined population.

I support the description of the types of qualitative research as phenomenological, grounded study, and ethnographic research. Phenomenological focuses on the cohesion of the experience by a particular population (Reeves et al., 2013). The study majorly involves interviewing individuals with first-hand information about a situation. You also featured a grounded study that provides explicit tactics in handling the diagnostic segments of an autopsy. Although the method is generally misunderstood, it rationalizes and incorporates the collection and analysis of data (Chun, Birks & Francis, 2019). The other method described is ethnographic, which gathers interviews and observations to develop detailed accounts of social phenomena.  I agree that this method majors in understanding people’s feelings and perceptions of events.

Further, I agree with the arguments about why qualitative research is mostly preferred. You are right that the method is relatively cheaper compared to other types of study and allows the users to express their opinions (Hall & Roussel, 2016). Nonetheless, most researchers opt to use both qualitative and quantitative research types to improve the authenticity of the study.  I support the claim that Jesus is the hope of Christians and increases their strength when they grow weak. As such, Christians must accept each other’s’ differences by encouraging one another.

The reference list you provided adds credibility to your discussion, showcasing a solid foundation in existing literature. Overall, your response effectively contributes to the ongoing dialogue on qualitative research, and I look forward to further engaging with your insights in future discussions.

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