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January 17, 2024

Understanding the Essence of Family

Understanding the Essence of Family

People who are related to each other are said to belong to one family. The purpose of this paper is to define a family and establish what family members do for each other. The paper discusses the types of relationship that fits my definition.

Definition of a Family

Having a family is a vital aspect that everyone wishes to have. The term has various definitions depending on the context and individual terminologies. However, the core significance of these definitions is the same. A family is a group of people who belong to the same household or share a common ancestor.

What Family Members Do For Each Other.

Family members share a strong relationship. As a result, family members strive to do their best to keep each other happy. There are various things that they do for each other. For instance, they provide care and positive attention to each other (Workman, 2019). In case one is sick, or faced by some challenges, family members gain a concern to help that member overcome. They exhibit love to one another which strengthens their relationship. Also, family members hold gatherings frequently to check on each other and share thoughts to enhance each other’s life. Further, they provide warmth to each other. Ideally, having a family provides a special warmth which makes one experience a kind of security

Types of Relationships

In this context, traditional relationship closely matches the definition of family. Traditional relationships acknowledge responsive communication to each other which exhibits the caring aspect in a family. Belonging to a traditional relationship makes one feel satisfied, just as being associated with a family.

Generally, family a valuable thing in one’s life. The paper has defined the term family and discussed various things done to each other by family members. The paper established that family is relatively considered as a traditional relationship.


Workman, C. (2019). The 2017 Uniform Parentage Act: A Response to the Changing Definition of Family. J. Am. Acad. Matrimonial Law.32, 233.

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