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September 14, 2022

Vulnerability Analysis Research 

Vulnerability Analysis Research 

Analyze various types of assessments and explain why a vulnerability analysis is important in increasing the overall security posture of an organization.

Research Presentation:

For this assignment, please prepare an 8-10 PowerPoint slide presentation using independent research on an organization that you are very familiar with (is it your current place of employment?) or continue to research your organization from week 1. This presentation should be prepared from the standpoint of the board of directors who may or may not be technically astute as you. How will this alter your presentation so that the information will be understood and make sense to this group?

Your presentation should:

  • Describe how you would approach a vulnerability assessment for your organization
  • Why is such an assessment important
  • Explaining the various types of assessment you would utilize
  • How and why you feel these types would be appropriate
  • The information you would expect to see as a result
  • Finally, how this could data be used to help increase the overall security posture of your organization

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